Why cant i use the landscape tool properly in stalingrad?

In moscow you can use the landscape tool to create huge mountains like this:

But in stalingrad it does not work?


the tool it self is is an agony to use.

i hope the hinted update regarding the reshape landing scapes will be better.

which btw, glad that the devs had a new tool to make rivers and such without having to tweak the level water…

but like… where is it for us pleb in the editor?



shouldn’t the terrain in stalingrad be a very hard surface like concrete? wouldnt think u be able to dig through that

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I heard about it, but I haven’t learned to use it :rofl:


except you can.

cuz it’s the editor.

the only problem is that you cannot rise it on the other hand ( for whatever reason ).

you haven’t learned how to use it because it’s not there.


So they are kidding us :smiling_face_with_tear: