Why are the Soviet TDs BRV axis aren't?

Please move down the Su85 and possibly su100, to make more people play them and be similar to axis BR TDs. Why is su76 BR so low in comparison?

This is a reminder request, feel free to discuss but try keep on topic lads, ladies :guardsman:


Imo Almost all TD shouldn’t be more than BR3, TD should be rated not in base of their gun but on how is easy kill them


There are some exceptions. I dont wanna see jagdpanther or panzer 4/70 v in br 3


I said rated on how is easy kill them, now answer me do you think is easy kill the jagdepanther?

I was refering to this. Oh you edited it now i understand

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Okay just fixed it, the phone skip word :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Well, I don’t particularly see TD being played at All, regardless of their BR. There is usually a equivalent tank with the same firepower (or even better) and/or armor at the same BR but with a Turret, so no point in playing them.

Just like M10 and M18 (Hellcat can be fun, but it is still meh) compared to Sherman 76 and Jumbo at BR4 or Stug and Pz IV J/G at 3. I don’t think that lowering the Su-85 to BR4 would do anything. Maybe for the Su-100.

Imo for TT, Tank destroyer

For allies M10 should be BR1 is worse than the M8 in stay alive and axis BR1 stuff OHK him, the M18 should be BR2 because of the same motive, axis BR2 is a fair opponent for him

For soviet their all TT tank destroyer should be dropped to BR3 axis BR3 stuff is more than sufficient for destroy them in any range

For German TT tank destroyer instead just the BR4 tank destroyer should be dropped to BR3 the other TT tank destroyer are in a good place already

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SU 85 should be BR3 - however we dont have a SU85 in the game to begin with.

Yes we do, I have it? Su85

The SU-100 should be placed at BR 4 because its armor is similar to the German JagerPanzer 4,while the SU-85M can be used as a special vehicle and placed at BR 3.


Grey-zone camping has to be resolved before the TD get put in a more competitive BR or there will be a TD camping in the grey-zone every moment of every game up to BR3.

I can’t argue with the main point, though, the TD are over-matched by tanks at their current BR. Buff the turts. :muscle::turtle:

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No you have SU85 M which has 75mm armor

Su 85 has 45mm if armor and would perfectly fit into BR3

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Performance and capabilities. Duh

Nobody (Soviets) uses them in BRV cant you see that, they have no mg, no turret and only good in old Big Action custom… if BR4 I would!

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No one uses any TD. Why do you think I want more HMC’s and SPH’s? Howitzers for better anti infantry capability > high velocity cannons for better anti tank capability

It is because now many players have T-34-100, but before that, SU-100 was the only alternative to IS-2.

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IMO the Stugs should be brought down to BR2 as well. They are outclassed by so much in BR3 and aren’t really worth using

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I am really wondering why the devs hate on TDs so much.

Genius, can’t wait until we move down Ho-Ri because TDs aren’t good enough for their current BR.