Why are M1919A6's nerfed?

I see what you did there!! :slight_smile:

But yes - water or air cooled - SAME AMMO STILL!!

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I didn’t intend to make a pun but yea.
Its the same bullet, they should be OHK but balancing.
What we really want is the M1919 with the higher rate of fire, the AN/M2 Stinger

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The best sort :slight_smile:

Be a good upgrade.

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Sorry dude - you get out-Chaded by ShKAS at 1800 rpm…

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Still cooler than an MG42.

(besides, the ShKAS can’t be carried by a soldier)

Of course it can be carried by a single person! In fact it is normally operated by a single person too!

I note that you use different words to bias your assessment of the MG-42 vs the AN-2 - the MG-42 is “normally” operated by a team, the AN-2 “can” be operated by a single person - of course BOTH “can” be operated by a single person, and BOTH are “normally” operated by a team!!



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