Why am I not Getting the Browning Hi Power?

OK, so I’m new to the game, been playing for about 3 weeks, and so far I’m enjoying the same, I’m in tier 2 of research, I just got the M1 carbine, and for some odd reason I ain’t getting the Browning Hi Power meanwhile it says I get it at research tier 2. Do I need to complete tier 2 by getting all of the guns in it to get the Hi Power? If it helps I’m on Xbox Series S and I’m using the Xbox One version (it’s so I can play it off of my external storage).

I think you need to “complete rank 2” which means that you need to unlock at least 7 (for USA, might be more for others) weapons and/or vehicle from rank 2. This allows you to progress to rank 3 as well


Soundin like you need to complete tier II then

And remember, “tier” and “BR” are two completely different things


Ooooooooooh OK. Thank you.

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I figured that was the case but does the battle rating mean it’s like a better weapon and the tier is just when you can unlock it?

Yes. Tiers are just barriers to entry. They prevent you from straight lining a single branch from start to finish without touching the other branches

“Yes” (no absolutely not)
BR is a retarded, arbitrary measurement where one thing is purported as “superior” to another “inferior” weapon. Do not be discouraged or hopeless when you see “superior” weapons in the hands of your enemies. This isn’t WT where a Pz II can never kill an Abrams. This is Enlisted. 9mm out of a pistol kills a man just as .50 BMG out of an M2 can regardless of where you hit him. These are flesh sacks. Notoriously weak to bullets

That being said, you should also pay attention to the BR matchmaking. It is BR’s I-II, II-III, and III-V. It used to just be I-III and III-V but everyone cried about the fresh newbs not having a safe space. I call em Low Tier and High Tier. Low Tier is nice and relaxing unless you find a seal clubbing sweat lord (hi) and High Tier is a full auto sweat fest. I recommend staying at BR II until you feel comfortable enough with the game to enter the thunder dome because regardless of if you’re going in with a single Garand on one man, a full III load out, or a full V load out, if you ain’t ready for it then you ain’t gonna like it. Some people never play High Tier. I usually play BR III myself, but you know sometimes I miss my M1919A6 and P-47 so I gotta take em for a spin every once in a while

Other than that, have fun enjoying my favorite FPS game


Ah I see. Thanks for explaining it.

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Yeah it’s a bit of a mess. Also, when you do make those step ups from BR to BR, make sure you have enough stuff to make an actual “lineup.” Meaning all your soldiers have that tier of gear and you have a vehicle capable of handling what it’ll face. Saves yourself some trouble and excuses. Lol. And I will reword what I inferred earlier, skill and effort bring a whole lot more to the table than a weapon’s BR. As a BR III player on a PS5 I consistently top the leaderboard in full crossplay lobbies regardless of what BR my enemies are. II’s, V’s, other III’s. Don’t matter. I still get some of the highest kills, some of the most capture points, and usually at least a couple engie points as I don’t trust friendly rally points very often. Be it second floor rallies, basement rallies, attic rallies, or putting the ever annoying sandbag right in front of me so I cannot hit the ground running. Frick do I HATE friendly rallies. I prefer the “hidden in plain sight” ones myself, rather than put out a giant beacon of “HERE IT IS!” via sandbags out in the middle of nowhere


Yeah I’ve had people put sandbags in front of a rally point that was inside of a little roofed off room in a trench, and it’s like bro why. But I’ve also done really good so far with only tier 1 guns, the Springfield USMC is what rifle I use a lot and the Grease Gun, though I just got the M1 carbine so I’m giving a lot of my soldiers that cuz I’m better with semi auto than bolt action. Honestly, when I unlocks the guns, my load out is mostly gonna be Garands, Browning Hi Powers, a good bolt action for long range, and probably Tommy guns.

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Sorry to disappoint but the M1 Carbine is one of the worst guns in the game, and the semi auto category in general suffers massively


He’s better off getting the Smith & Wesson lite rifle or even the M1903 Springfield with the Pederson device off BP if he can afford it as I think they are both better then the M1 Carbine.

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Eh I’ll make it work. I always find a way

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Is the Smith and Wesson lite rifle semi auto? Also I’m not really good with bolt action rifles

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Yes it’s a semi auto, as well as the M1903 Pedersen Device

Yes, semi auto. You can try it out in the BP I think to see if you like it. I also like the M1903 Springfield with the Pederson device. The device looks gay, but the gun shoots nice. :rofl: Try them and compare them to the M1 carbine, if you like them and intend on playing Enlisted for a while, they are a good investment, but you can only get four of each, otherwise I would never touch an M1 Carbine with any of my level two soldiers. :blush:

I can only get 4 of each? That would probably throw off what my strat is so far (my strat is to equip the same types of soldiers with the same types of guns so I don’t have to switch strats with different guns) so that might affect whether or not I’d use them

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Yeah, I think that part of it sucks as I think it should be at least 5 or 6, but I understand DF not offering more to each person. I play mostly assaulter squads, so I only need usually one or two rifles anyway, so if you bought four S&W’s and used them in assaulter squads you could equip two squads. One of my assaulter squads also has a medic, so only one rifle is needed there. I think the only weapons you can buy more then four is a pistol, and you can get six.
Here are the three squads I use the S&W lite rifle and the M1903 with pederson device. The BSA1929 Thompson and the Hyde are also Battle Pass weapons, and with the addition of a couple other Premium assaulter squads my level two Allies are full of Thompsons. Currently I am rebuilding my squads as I figured out that I had mostly assaulter two’s and Machine gunner one’s, so I sent them to the rear and bought assaulter four and MG three that I can now build.

Those seem like some good squads. I think the squads I have RN are 3 rifle men squads and a vehicle squad. I wanna get rid of the vehicle squad cuz I don’t really use them, so I wanna get like an engineer or demo squad, and maybe an artillery squad

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You will get those in the tech tree as you advance. However, there are premium squads for those, but I don’t think they are level two. If your doing the 20k every two nights thing, they have a decent level two Chinese semi auto rifle squad.

honestly the chinese squad is quite good imo