Why all land vehicles are clumsy like ww1 tanks?

Average sherman speed is 35-48 kph and its a medium tank. Light tanks like stuart can be fast as 58 kph
Average human running speed ; 6-12 kph


I’m not sure if it applies to all tanks but it seems like that certain terrain types affect the handling and speed of a tank, this is most noticeable when you’re driving a wheeled fighting vehicle like the German Puma or Italian AB41 which accelerate and handle a lot better on paved roads than off-road. Although I do agree a lot of tanks don’t seem like they’re handling well as they should be.

How traction is implemented with the Dagor engine:


Dark Flow might develop different value of traction for different terrain, but the principle is still the same.
Vehicle traction in Enlisted sucks! Ain’t no way my 33 ton, 410 hp tank get stuck on a 10 cm high train track.

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When I drive a jeep in Tunisia I always want to do this…


…but running is faster.

Also funny: a jeep has no working speedometer but a tank does.



Because balance or what not…

Becuz maps are cramped and overfilled with obstacles. Also something was broken with friction in last update as tanks began to DOORIIFTOOO even driving at 10-15° surfaces which is cringe. They have to fix physics a lot


Lately something’s wrong with tank mobility. Last patch didn’t fix it even if they say so.

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