I have played this map some time and i really dislike it, for me it is like berlin train map nowdays i instantly leave.
I dislike it but not really because of the map itself but because the games I had there. They were VERY boring steamrolls. One of the worst games I EVER had in 3y of playing the game.
I like the large greyzone but i dislike the open map
It’s unplayable until the fix the bots shooting through foilage.
Love that map itself and the greyzones but this kills it.
that’s how most of my bots makes kill in hurtgen
jokes aside,
the map is more or less fine ( at least for me ).
similar to most of normandy maps. with the exceptions of being more open, and having more foliage.
but the town part is truly the jam for me.
looks great, and feels great.
too bad only 2 objectives are located there… out of the 2 missions.
what i don’t like, forests are more of a park playground ( like, foliage is okey, but there should be way more trees ), and snow is like… absent?
maybe it’s just me.
I like the map itself it but it doesn’t represent hurtgen forest in any way. It was quite disappointing.
agree 100%. not to mention the map doesnt seem to have a line of approach, objectives are often attacked form all sides at once.
totally true, that it isn´t “real” hurtgen forest. I mean just as you said about it.
I’m not a huge fan and yea more snow, but on low tier fights can be quite intense and trenches on invasion can be fun. However if playing allies, most the time it is steamroll for axis, although not always!
I think someone mentioned the map was actually representing Mamy(?) Something Hill, so that’s why its not more trees, Devs already said this was focusing on autumn fights too, so hopefully more trees and snow in coming!
I don’t like it, the image lacks depth and you’re always going to get wiped out by all kinds of nasty spam
This image is filled with a lot of bushes, but the AI can shoot at you through the bushes
In any case, this is a map where infantry players have a poor experience. If you play tanks or aircraft, you may find it very easy, because it is too easy for them to harvest infantry in this map.
The map is too wide and the AI ​​can see everything behind the bushes. And the number of cheaters is increasing.
i cant see anything with all the moving grass and bushes,and the AI just install cheats and see through the foliage.it is also an annoying thing in the pacific too.
People are already complaining that AI shooting through bushes when the forest is like a park playground. Now imagine what will happen when there is a real forest.
Just stop the damn AI laserbeam sniping me in 0.1 sec through the bushes from the other side of the map while they are lying down on the ground and facing the other direction.
I like the new Hurtgen forest.
There are many positiv qualities of the map that simply got overlooked in this topic.
All objectives have somekind of shelter against artillery and CAS attacks which is a huge improvement, but also objectives are larger and more aesthetically pleasing.
Seriously just compare the new maps with Moscow maps which have too small objectives, too small maps and half of the objectives are small peasant houses, while the new maps have a good variety of trenches, artillery positions, bunkers, towns ect. Making it more authentic.
Actually Im surprised that DF managed to make a map this large without constantly making XBOXs crash.
you would have more cover
i don’t recall people complaining on selow on the objectives around bunkers and those dense forest parts.
( similar to swamp. but… swamp is not very liked for very good reasons )
The road objective has no cover.
I assume you are talking about river crossing(invasion). The only objective zone that has forest is the bunker you talked about so it is rather insignificant and seriously, you call that dense forest?
This is at least how dense forest should look like.
for enlisted standards,
which unironically has more forest than hurtgen. ( at least, swamp does. in term of how much you play in the forest. selow has forests, but technically, you will be playing the least there as there are only 2 objectives )
so you tell me.
which at this point, i’m not sure we’ll ever get one.
perhaps it has to do with performance issues.
otherwise can’t really explain.
but the point still stand.
more forest would be great as AI do cover behind trees and what not.
I already said that the problem is AI will see through bushes making human uncomfortable to play.
I personally dislike the forest at the swamp because I can’t see stuff while seeing my ai soldier shooting enemies like crazy.
You know how bad dev are at improving the ai right?