Who are the marshall profiles?

still wish the german general portrait become a thing always like their cloth

Strictly forbidden in germany. The use of such symbols is a crime (§86 of the german law).

Well, I don’t mean those fanatic generals. I think about:

  • Rommel (everyone should know him)
  • Guderian (father of the Blitzkrieg)
  • Hans-Karl von Esebeck (General of the tank corps, member of “Operation Valkyrie”, against Hitler)
  • von Stauffenberg (Officer, also against Hitler, “Operation Valkyrie”)

… just some profiles even Putlers nation could accept.

it was lifted for games(which was strictly forbidden before) and it is probably allowed in art and history context.

those symbols are usually forbidden in most countries if they are used for glorification of nazism, not in other contexts like history, art or games(not defined everywhere, but it could be interpreted as subsection of art).

iirc rommel and yamamoto were removed for alleged war crimes that happened under their command.


Excluding for art or educationam purpose.
The main issue was that videgames were not included

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Okay, so there are no war crimes under Zhukovs command? I love those double standards…

Didn’t know that.


winners never commit war crimes.


Literally any general that went through some conflict can be accused of that. xD


well depends on which side of history you were on. do you know of any war crimes that happened during US occupation of iraq/afghanistan? i think that lot of people actually know what happened there, but how many US soldiers/generals actually faced court for those crimes?

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why the fuck are you asking me this?

Did I? Sorry, wasn’t intended that way.