White phosphorus vs. Molotov

If you had to use either White phosphorus or Molotov, which would be more valuable to use?
In my opinion Molotov.
Molotov is most effective if you are attacking open top tanks and can easily kill the crew.
Also, if you throw a non-open-top tank at an engine block, that alone may set the vehicle on fire.
In addition, you can TK teammates you don’t like.

White phosphorus was at one time a rage, but it has been greatly weakened and I hardly see anyone using it now. How useful is it now?

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I dont find any of them as useful as they once were.

there was a time when molotov was my weapon of choice for killing tanks via engine fire. But it stopped being “reliable” some time ago. (it still can, but is hugely tempermental when deciding “am I on the engine vent?”)

And I never jumped onto the phosphorus train. It felt too dirty in its first form, and pointless in its nerfed form.

So now its pretty much strictly Detpack, grenade or impact grenade. Just get to the point and blow them up.

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i still sometime use molotov tbh only the jap have a bunch of WP left (cause i bought a lot of it lol) i find molotov to be instant effect while WP need precision

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I have nearly 50 pieces of white phosphorus in my inventory that have served their purpose. a large amount of white scales that I worked hard to accumulate using silver chicket, now an inexpensive item that can be bought for 500silver and won’t bring much money when sold, but I have them because I don’t want to throw them away…

I went from there to a setup where I removed the impact grenade and put in a molotov. the impact grenade is an unreliable weapon as it often blasts at your feet and the enemy is unharmed. It is still powerful when it works properly though.

Molotov cocktails are now not good enough to burn an engine block in one shot, but I sometimes find them more useful than Detpacks for killing light tanks that are running around quickly.
It is also useful when you unexpectedly run into 4~5 enemy soldiers, because when thrown at infantry it ignites them instantly and cancels any animation. You can safely wipe them out while they extinguish the fire. :grinning:

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I generally use to chuck at the back of an APC or to hit some bloke in a building to chain reaction the rest of his squad. I find it a bit more useful than the other choices, but even then only as a situational tool.

hehe Id rather cut to the chase and just straight up kill them :stuck_out_tongue: Also its mainly because Im generally pushing forward. I dont want my own Molotov to block/restrict my movement or blind me in a building.

and yeah…since its meh at burning tanks now, Id rather just det pack

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You seem to have the blood of a born warrior in your body.

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WP is a crappier smoke grenade, and smoke grenades in any video game are basically gimmicks. It’s literally less than a gimmick. They need to become viable again and I have voiced my opinions on WP buffs before

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“So my proposal is simple. Increase the range of the cloud ever so slightly, the duration of the cloud significantly, and the opaqueness of the cloud a lot. Decrease damage if you want“

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