I want to know since im gonna equip my guerilla and aircraft crew with them but most of their smg use same ammo causing me to be quite confuse.
ppd 34 ( stick )
ppd 34 drum
ppd snail
ppsh 41 ( + obrez ) / 42 / 43
PPsh 41 drum / ppsh 45
ppd 1929
( dunno about other gold order. but you can see how their mag looks like )
( each is it’s own category )
Well…yeah of course most of their SMG’s use the same ammunition. You got any idea what kind of logistical nightmare it would be if all your SMG’s used different ammunition? Shoot most nations don’t even want their rifles and SAW’s/LMG’s to use different ammunition!
Your best bet is to grab a Lend-Lease or stolen SMG and then a domestic one to go with it as I’m sure all their domestic SMG’s shoot whatever that Tokarev bullet is
well duh but some dont use “same ammo” in game logic it really annoying that ppsh45 and ppsh41 share ammo tbh and i dont have thomson since i didnt grind them
and now i need to use the inferior ppd
If there is a different magazine size then they use different ammo