This one:
Or this one?:
Second picture seems to have a more identical colour tone than the first picture… first picture seems a tad darker than the shirt.
To me at least…
Same opinion and i hope bc i already bought that trousers for all my squad but in not formatting res like the pic I posted but actual in game the trousers with the red color seems of the same high definition of the jacket instead the 2° seems of a lower resolution
Or maybe are just my eyes lol.
2nd looks better, probably You can combine a helmet and uniform
The Axis helmets in Berlin look so bad
All my soldiers have the cap
To me it looks like basically the same, so just pick the version of boots you like more.
There was a difference?
the first picture is the of the same " set " as the tunic.
originally released with stalingrad:
the second pants are much different. and do not match with the tunic. as it’s more " blurred ".
my suggestions are, use the second pants with regular uniform or different colors. like this:
but not with other pea dot camouflages. because do not look anything alike.
or, if you want to spare some cards and dress at least two squad, do this.
one squad with pea dot torso, and the other with half pea dot pants and the rest green as green can ever be:
though it’s a matter of personal preferences.
( whether you want to match it perfectly, or not )
( additionally, i’d suggest to wait, because the customization within the merge will get some updates. as hinted by several helpers )
I doubt the enemy or myself will be checking my fit in the middle of an active combat zone but yeah its just personal preference.
i kinda do lol ( unironically, i always target the more stylish soldiers )
you have no clue how some people dress.
unamatching parts, different set all at once, etc.
but… i don’t blain them. the selection is very lacklaster
This means that they have some skill with the game and are a THREAT
eh, not really.
i just … do.
maybe i am a jerk after all…
Crime against fashion!!!
But yes, I always pop those with officer caps first, as they’re definitely human, and player controlled.
Baggy pants ftw bro
i know…
i was thinking of upgrading my own volks.
make them elite:
civis gonna make reds even more reds.
( that’s how you make your self a primary target. but i’m all in )
but yeah, i’ll wait the new merge to see the hopefully so long awaited improvements on cosmetics.
Why are you talking about? Axis Berlin is the only one where we have matching helmets
except, it does not?
we have 3 different camouflaged helmet.
4 different camouflaged torsos
and 4 camouflaged pants.
of which literally only 1(ish) have the matching uniform ( the one that OP in the first picture provided ) but it doesn’t even have the matching helmet as in stalingrad:
the rest does not match and it’s no where near to be close to match other stuff.
which it’s sad…
but you are correct on having more camouflages in berlin than others campaigns… it’s just… that those do not match…
let’s hope for that customization upgrade.
Meanwhile I am still collecting my appearance points, maybe some day I will use them