Which GO should i get before shop close?

Since im still holding on to my hope that will soon be in vain since they probably wont do another sale 5 day before the shop gone. I want to know what i should get as a “collection” and possibly some hidden gems.

I can only get 12 so make it count (3 of them gonna go to murata22 and 1 are for BSA and Hyde thomson so i max it out)

Currently missing from:


  • RPK 1943
    SVD 38
    Mosin suppress


  • Pedersen rifle
  • Pavesi SVT
    Lahti M/26
    FN1930 (already have 1 on Japan)
    Scotti mod.X
    Pavesi M42


  • SIG 1930
    Type Hei (both version)
    Type 1 SMG

I know i could have buy them all but i really dont want to spend more (the only regret is that i didnt spend more during sale) and now some must be sacrifice.

if there’s any GO that i didnt mention that is good feel free to suggest it (if i already max it or have it, i will tell)

This, I bought all four of the RPK 1943’s and love them. The only drawback is the 15 round mag. If you haven’t tried it out, I would. I only have to use one Madsen now.

It’s not on your list, so maybe you already have it or just not interested. But, I love the Hotchkiss MG for Japan and bought all four of them. I only play level two Japanese anyway, and I think it’s far better then any level two tech tree MG.


yea i have the hotchkiss it pretty good

use it in br5 till the Te-4 got added (The FN model 1930 as well)

if i got more Japan medal MG soldier definitely gonna use them again.

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  • Heavier AVS-36 in a form of LMG at BR2 (kind of)
  • SVT-38 with a more powerful zoom scope, more horizontal recoil (nice looking IMO)
  • Bad muzzle velocity, for collection and roleplaying maybe
  • Unique gun but the sight is really ugly :stuck_out_tongue:
  • Buffed Gewehr 41, beautiful gun
  • Divine version of MG13, not much difference except cooler
  • If you’re a Polish weapon collector
  • Good gun
  • Handsome version of BAR but more horizontal recoil
  • Good gun, easy to shoot, better version of Armaguerra
  • Just another Armaguerra, maybe a bit cooler
  • For a antique collector, nothing special I guess, and minus bayonet (booo…)
  • Uglier version of tech tree SIG1920 but with less recoil, no bayonet
  • Early 10-round (worthless, just a tech tree version with more bullets), Late 10-round (Gorgeous, but it’s BR4 so maybe for a Japanese weapon enthusiastic)
  • Weird looking gun that is kinda unique to be in a collection
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Get lahti and pavesi m42. Lahti is great and accurate weapon if you shoot in semi auto and pavesi has higher damage than any other sa.

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Lahti and Pavesi

All of them for your collection.

Got both and love them