Which campaign is best for the Germans?

Same, Moscow I grinded the Russians and it’s a good map. Tunisia is also a good map (not talking technology). Maybe that’s actually the reason I don’t like Berlin, it doesn’t have the mix of urban and open field.

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Actually tanks can really dominate in Normandy. From the side of the US I’ve seen them decimate players. But being a good US pilot I also took out a lot of tanks.

Well I mean tanks span and automatic meta is in every map. I think lack of real enemy is major downside.

Yeah but it’s not a major difference in guns when I look at the progression from Normandy and Berlin.
Also I win a lot of games by just knowing if a game is going to be good or not. If it’s not going well, usually in 5 min I just leave. Now weather you get more points in Berlin or Normandy is a different thing.

you might have been playing with bots, or against a good team, yes it can happen, but most of the time should not, anyway since this update they nerfed m8 rockets so now axis can play tanks again

It’s probably against a good team. Oh I didn’t know that, I guess they didn’t nerf HVAR rockets.

I’ve just been playing against US, they had really good tankers, but when I can just take out with Puma, it makes Germans kinda OP.

I would say capable more than op, Jumbo can take out Panter A and I dont think that that makes it op, and yeah Hvars just still as always

I mean sure, but Puma is like a first veichle and can take out Jumbo which like like late lvl tank somewhere around 25-28, maybe even later.

I don’t think Jumbo can take out Panther A in the front, it can’t take out even Tiger if you shoot it at the side or the rear, but you can be sure that Panther A can take out every tank from the front except Jumbo if you don’t aim properly.

Im 100% sure that jumbo can take out Panter by the front, it was not an idea or a speculation, im saying it because is a fact, how ever, Puma can take jumbo yes, it doesnt mean that it is OP, it just means that probably the jumbo tanker sucks, or, the puma player is god, you wont see noobs really taking out jumbos on pumas, if it happens it is because of a skilled player, not the other way arround, then it is not op but genuinely a skill issue

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Jumbo is on lvl 20 and I destroyed Panther A with Stuart but never even strached a Sherman with Puma (didn’t play Puma since pen fix though)

here, since I unlocked the first sherman which uses the same cannon than the Jumbo now I can make you stop talking nonsense, destroyed Panter A by the front, turns out, it was a skill issue, not the panter being op, just like the jumbo