Where is Tunisia - the stats 😵

Recently there was a post saying that we dont see Tunisia maps much anymore.
I looked at the replay page to see where the most or fewest battles are fought.
The results are shocking (if you also miss Tunisia).

675 battles today 13-01-2024 from 09.00 to 09.54 (CET):

Normandy = 176 (26%)
Pacific = 152 (23%)
Moscow = 149 (22%)
Stalingrad = 108 (16%)
Berlin = 72 (11%)
Tunisia = 18 (2%)

I believe BR 5 only gets Normandy and Japan of course only gets Pacific.
But still…only 2%???


this is for crossplay on+off. data is 1 month old

btw you are missing new campaign…

Thanks but this doesnt say much to me

The replay page shows Ardennes under Normandy

yeah i saw that… kinda stupid

you can clearly see number of battles in a week.
tunisia is at ~8% for total battles played.

BR5 gets normandy, but BR4 gets pacific and normandy.
so you are basically having
low tier tunisia, pacific
high tier normandy, pacific

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Recently normandy (incl. ardennes) was added to low tier.
So low tier should get tunisia/pacific/normandy/ardennes.
I played mostly low tier USA, but the last time I saw Tunisia was 24 battles ago (!!).
And I’m not the only one who noticed, it also shows in the stats.
That cant be right.

Unfortunately no information is yet provided about the reason for the extremely low percentage of battles taking place in tunisia.
Perhaps after the weekend the kind ppl from the game go back to work and read the forum.

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So only 2% of all battles were in Tunisia.
But since Japan and Russia will never get Tunisia, and USA BR2 (which I have mostly played) will never get Moscow, Stalingrad or Berlin, the numbers change.

That leaves 675 -/- 149 -/- 108 -/- 72 = 346 battles for USA BR2 (normandy/ardennes/pacific/tunisia)

Normandy/ardennes 176 = 51%
Pacific 152 = 44%
Tunisia 18 = 5%

So USA BR2 is expected to have a 25% chance of getting Tunisia.
But it’s only 5%.
Which is 80% less than the expected chance.
I am pretty sure there must be a reason for this, cant be chance alone.
Please inform us why we get so little Tunisia.
Or better yet: just bring Tunisia back.
Thanks in advance.


BR 5 also gets bulge, bulge and normandy isn’t just set to br 5 either they can go into br 3 i believe

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Ok. I only know/believe that USA BR2 should get normandy/ardennes/pacific/tunisia which should give a 25% chance of Tunisia but we get only 5%.

I was playing BR2 Germany/USA last week, was sent to Tunisia quite often.

it is not 2%

out of last 9934 battles 695 were on tunisia. that is ~7%

biggest reason why you are not getting tunisia is cause of lots of japanese sending people on pacific.

also you are making logical fallacy with your assumptions. normandy and pacific are also high level map so it gets matches that wont be matched on tunisia. if there are 50% of the players on high BR, BR2 tunisia would get ~12.5% chance and not 25% chance. cause low BR japanese can be only matched by US low BR, their matches will get priority for MM and anything else will be divided by normandy/ardennes/tunisia.

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Thanks for explaining.
I know I’m not a mathematician.
All I know is I havent seen any Tunisia in my last 24 battles (!) and so have others.

That makes sense.
It’s not good at all, but it makes sense.

We cant select the campaign we like, and we dont even get the campaign we like randomly because there are too many players playing somewhere else, requiring me to play there as well.
This whole system sucks. Sorry.


Japanese take away low BR US players.

Even more reason to add a British faction.

You forget that it is not just japan siphoning players away from tunisia but the USSR siphons them away too, discouraging the creation of tunisia lobbies.

Since the merge update, playing rang V and II (german v/ii, allies ii/iii) i fell on Tunisia around 10+ times and mostly in allie ii/iii…sadness because now the merge allow us to use all our stuff we could have often some good battle around rank ii to/til iv but tunisia, wich have wonderful maps, is SOOOOOOOOOOO rare. Your stats, all all yours, just scares me because it’s not only the maps that are rare, it’s also the real players that a rare. I don’t mean skilled or good players, i mean most of battles i had were with a majority or half of the team being bots.

We could have a parity/equality chance system, maybe. Devs works already hard to fix some balancing issues these times and still have to work on new stuff, maps, and systems…

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