Where Enlisted Should not Go Heroes and Generals 2.0

Well by now I don’t need introduction I’m a bringer of Ill news is an ill guest if the Ghost of Reto.Hades appears in your forum to haunt the devs its never a good sign. You can consider me the Mothman of world war 2 games that appears before a disaster. I’m the literal manifestation of the dissatisfaction of the community manifested itself in to reality a harbinger of end times and if you don’t believe me just look how the community of Enlisted summoned me:

Important news about the upcoming update - News - Enlisted

As they demanded I have appear I would have said in flesh and blood but more likely in pixels and bad taste … and I’m here to deliver a warning of a similar Reto-Moto style apocalypse is about to unfold in the near future…

The end

As you can guess people are not happy and I’m the A Christmas Carol that has to remind you not to be greedy and to be more transparent with the community to share more resources and information…
and ask yourselves did the community wants :

1. The Gold Order Shop to close

2. Will the community be happy with the next update you are about to unleash upon the community will it amend your sins ? Or more likely be met with even more frustration and before you accuse me of ‘‘their actions other than creating dissent within the community’’ our manager James is better then me in that just look at his post I’m just a humble apprentice to him… I really don’t know how the next upgrade will be received for sure but my personal opinion will be with a lot of ''dissent within the community"

3. Giving same equipment and just copy paste stuff to every faction just like the Panzerschreck to US and the shotgun to Japan I mean I can’t guarantee that 100% of people don’t like this approach to faction building but I can tell you from personal experience how is received:

So far discussions of future updates and more clear road map of what equipment to expect will be a nice way to reduce the frustration and making multiple excuses why you delay and update is not helping if you given the 1 gold order when you made the decision to extend the battle pass and given yourself more time just in case was going to be much better then trying to give people false promises that you cant achieve putting yourselves in even worse situation …

I think options to pick maps ,finishing the game not to be beta state and finishing your 4 factions should be on the top of the priority list then moving to Rocket engineering :


So the professionals of rocket engineering are suggesting that our time is running out before the next update I suggest you carefully consider the many controversial changes that are about to happen at the same time and the consequences of them before its too late and you follow my fate:

So I will haunt this forum halls till the situation improves or the apocalypse foretold becomes the reality I’m trying to avoid… it will be a good gesture of good will to listen to people when they tell you we are not going on a good path and your future update with the delay of the battle pass and the closure of the Gold Order shop at the same time will create an apocalypse that only I can compare to Reto-Moto update…

Welcome to