When did APCR come around?

So I was just goofing around in practice when I noticed that the Premium M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo has Armor Piercing Composite Rigid shells in its loadout.

I don’t remember seeing these get added in any update notes. Unfortunately I don’t have my Normandy Allies leveled up past 16 but anyone who does, is this also on the non premium vehicles? Just curious if I’m just oblivious or if this is something new

It’s feature of premium tanks squad, 1 more squad with that feature is a PZ IV E in battle of moscow(He have HEAT shells in his loadout)

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Ahhh yeah I’m familiar with the HEAT shells I own that Pz IV E and the Sturmgeschütz A
Guess I just never noticed the APCR on the premium Jumbo

It was option A I’m just oblivious :upside_down_face:

Historically HVAP rounds for the US 76 mm were available in late 44, and at a rate of about one round per tank per month.

The US did not call them APCR.

Some US 76 mm tanks never actually got any of them, they were very rare.

A shipment of 2000 rounds of the T4 76mm HVAP was airlifted to France in August 1944. Its performance in trials against actual Panthers was poorer than the predicted results from stateside tests against armor plate, but it was still significantly better than the standard M62 APC round. It could not penetrate the Panther glacis, but it punched the Panther mantlet at 800 to 1000 yards compared to only 200 yards for the normal M62 APC (armor-piercing-capped). An order for 20,000 HVAP rounds was issued in the late summer, but production never kept up to demand because of shortages of tungsten. This production was to be equally divided between 76mm and 3 inches, the latter for the M10 3-inch GMC tank destroyer. The HVAP ammunition underwent continual refinement throughout the autumn and was finally type-classified as the M93 76mm fixed shot HVAP-T in February 1945. The first distribution of HVAP ammunition to tank units took place in Belgium on September 11, 1944 to the 3rd Armored Division and the 746th Tank Battalion. Tankers were very enthusiastic about the performance of the new ammunition, but it was never available in adequate quantities – hardly one round per vehicle per month. By the end of February 1945, each 76mm tank had received, on average, only five rounds of HVAP. By early March 1945,

Zaloga, Steven J… M4 (76mm) Sherman Medium Tank 1943–65: No. 73 (New Vanguard) (pp. 35-36). Bloomsbury Publishing. Kindle Edition.



If I’m not mistaken, don’t quote me on it but weren’t T45 Shot HVAP rounds available to 75mm Shermans 45 onwards aswell

That was only a test article, never was used in action

The thinking was they could make either a 76 mm HVAP round or a 75 mm HVAP round so the obvious choice was a 76 mm round, and as noted above they were very rare.

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They were introduced when that premium tank was introduced :slight_smile:

its a nice tonka.

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Ya the T45 75 mm HVAP from War thunder or APCR or whatever ever you want to call it is Compleat fiction.

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Really, always thought that there was a improved AP round for the 75mm M3

It’s said to be useless because the game doesn’t give German tanks face hardened armor so capped shells don’t add anything.

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Not the T 45, no HVAP for the US 75 mm went to war.

They just got more bang for their buck with the 76 mm and they had precious few of them to go around.

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it’s more so that the HVAP are shit since they aren’t model after the actually USA or german HVAP, they are instead just like in war thunder, modeled after shitty slavic ACPR

Very true

Can we buy different shells? Let ordinary shells be free, and some improved models such as APCBC are a little expensive (you may need to upgrade the team to get them)

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Really don’t want to see a feature like this, World of Tanks is plagued by Gold spam and allowing players to use better ammunition like HEAT for gold would definitely create a new P2W fiasco

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I’m just talking about the WT mechanism

but this APCR is broken very long time ago,and never fix once