When commander is out of hatch, 3rd person view

Note: this is not a suggestion, I just want to know what ppl think.

So in the game Heroes and Generals there was a feature that tanks generally had 1st person view but when you opened the hatch too look around, you had 3rd person camera.
I wonder if this could work in enlisted. When out of hatch you have 3rd person camera and you switch back to 1st person when using binoculars or personal weapons (or you have 3rd person aiming, doesn’t really matter).

Do you guys think it would be good for enlisted tanks?
I guess it would increase their situational awerness but also commanders would be sniped all the time so overall it may not make any difference.

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I am strictly against any kind of 3rd person, it would break immersion for me. And it’s unnecessary.


I sort of like the First person only. However I do think the commander should be able to look around freely (360) when popped out of the turret, its not like he cant pivot on the spot (Turret facing should be irrelevent to him)…That would be handy for awareness


Personally I have like 20 other things that already brake immersion so I can’t relate.


I understand, it’s always about personal preferences.

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this " would " only work on mg-less tanks.

otherwise trying to fire with the 3rd person is something truly awkward and unpleasant.

you can try it in this mod by @Bazsi37

with that being said, i don’t like third person unless it’s in mods or pve.

because it gives huge advantages.
but for arcade or dedicated missions like the one made above, it can be fun.

Things to add:

  • Third person would work “out of the box” for commander view.

  • The game disables render on tank parts (hull, turret etc) when viewing from other viewports/hatches, making you a floating black box in third person.

Like anything else, there would be people who would like this feature and others who would not—which is why the developers would have to give us control over which view we preferred (first person or third person) and allow us to switch back and forth, as necessary.

I used to play Heroes And General’s which had a third-person view for tankers, and I miss it: it’s a very nice feature to have. It allows you to look around in all directions. I find the current system in place for enlisted to be very limiting and frustrating. I feel like I’m locked in a box in regard to viewing my surroundings while in a tank.

In regard to firing weapons while in third-person view, it can be done accurately with a little practice. It’s a little awkward at first, but eventually you adapt. But, if we were given the option to switch back and forth between first-person and third-person views, then all players could choose whichever view worked best for them.

3rd person is the main reason why I dont play warthunder.

If this would change I would 100% quit the game entirely.

Heroes and Generals was not for beginners, I killed hundreds of tank crew leaning out the hatch.
Enlisted is more realistic if we could command the tank while outside, that would be fantastic.
It’s actually realistic too, German tank commanders regularly left the safety of their tank and scouted ahead or rode a motorcycle next to the tank because the increased situational awareness saved thousands of tanks and lives.

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Did that alot as commander in HLL and Post Scriptum (Squad44). Very useful to intercept the Bush Wookies with explosives and AT.

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i agree.
it’s way too clunky for the commander to look around either with open or closed hatch.

the commander should be able to look behind with open hatch.
most periscopes should be able to turn 360 degrees.
switching the window in cupolas (like in german tanks) should be instant.


i would love getting in and out of the tank to be quicker with the perk, but i don’t suppose it would be popular. maybe at least as a modifier for open top vehicles.

Personally I’d love to have kind of a free view in the cupola. So I can quickly look around instead of snaping to the vision blocks. Like in RO2 for example.


Such perk already exists. The seat with arrows one affects position change and in/out speed.

That would be nice.

no to 3rd person. yes to improving commander mobility within the hatch …even if only when you pull out your small arms weaponry.

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