When can the Germans expect a belt fed MG with 100 rounds or 150 rounds

Nuh huh, thanks for flexing your skill issue but I don’t remember I ever asked for it, and let me show you how to tame the MMG with the most recoil which also happen to have 100rnd mag and extremely high RoF

Honeslty, I am offended. I find the idea that anyone thinks that the germans don’t already have the best LMGs in the game laughable.

Alright, I’ll bite. Let me clarify my points.

No, it doesn’t, and neither does the MG34. Here’s their base stats compared to the same BR US and Russian LMGs from the tech tree

MG stats


As you can see, the vertical recoil on the belt-fed LMGs is half or less the vertical on allied MGs at the same tiers, while also being 50rd belts. This loses out to the DT, but not the johnson or the BAR. They are arguably not as good as the 1919a6, but it’s at BR V.



It’s an event weapon, right? Arguing that you should make the best mid-tier lmgs in the game better because they’re not as good as a premium/event weapons is not the look you’re going for if you’re trying to look remotely fair.

Yes, it does, it’s 25 extra rounds. That’s not 100, sure, but more is more, so the idea that it’s somehow not better than the standard 34 flies in the face of logic.

Sure, if you can also agree that it comes with no standing aimed fire, only when the gun is mounted, and the reload time is increased by 25% to align better with what you’re doing mechanically. You want 100 round drums at br3 while US gets the BAR, with 20 round magazines, and you say it’s because the patronentrommel isn’t good enough in CQB.

They need a recoil increase regardless. The idea that nearly the lightest recoiling machine guns in the game are the ones chambered for full-on 8mm mauser is a joke. Having fired many, if not most, battle rifle cartridges personally, I can attest that 8 Mauser is a dog. It beats you to death in a way only rivalled by 7.62x54r and .30-06.

I know I’ve got an attitude, but for real, the german mgs are, at best, fine the way they are, and at worst need a bit of a nerf, especially considering Germany gets what’s technically and inarguably a light machine gun/squad automatic rifle as a rifleman’s weapon.

That’s a mostly handmodified AN/M2 ripped from the tail of an SBD or SB2C, made in the ships machine shop, and never made or used in large numbers. It would essentially be a 1919A6 with the rate of fire of the MG15, and I won’t believe you if you tell me you’d be okay with that. No one should be.

In conclusion, I might be comfortable with some changes/additions to LMGs, but first I’d like to see the 1918 BAR at BR 2, since it’s worse than the vickers-berthier and brens (I want this because I’m biased and don’t like top mag LMGs), and either make the FG42 an LMG or make the Johnson LMG a rifle so things are more even.

You’re still completely missing the point. Never said anything about a skill issue. But thanks anyway for showing me a video I didn’t ask for, in the practice range I might add.

Until you can show me that you can reliably take that gun and make 80-100 kills with one drum, my point stands.


Why 80-100 kills? Dude I want you to show me how a MG42 with 50rnd can do 80-100 kills without reloading while enemies actively shooting at you instead

Better weapon doesn’t make you play better? Oh man I am sure that’s the soviet para are not using their RD44, Panzerfaust 100 and 82mm mortar in Moscow stomping low BR right? Or the fact people spamming rifle grenades and impact grenades, or the wallet main cycling multiple rocket planes and never touch the filthy infantry ever again

Dude you give braindead people Fedorov Automat and they can still kill people with it, way better than the starter Mosin they have, hell giving AI MGs already improve their killcount better than the bolties, so yes, better weapons does make people play better

I show you a video that “absurdly high recoil” is meaningless when you know how to use the weapon, and the fact you think I don’t know how to use a german MG is ironic consider what you said about " is not matter of skill"

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Do you expect the ammo coming from a 100 round belt to help? That’s what the OP continues to hang his hat on. That Germany is completely helpless because they don’t have a machine gun with exactly 100 rounds. on. a. belt.

I will go laugh quietly in the corner.

We see where you pointed the gun. That doesn’t mean that if there were enemies there that you’d have killed them.

The photo above show you how I snipe people from the cap to their spawn… the gun is wonderful, people just don’t know how to use it

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Axis have been asking for 100 round belt fed MG for over a year now.
There is absolutely not a single good reason anymore not give them such a simple toy. Especially considering that this is effectively the only thing Axis is asking and asked for since quite a while.


Imo it’s M1919A6.
Though I take into account it’s LMG performance only, not this stupid run and gun ppl do.

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I would take a BAR over any German MG in the game at the moment.

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08/15? That thing is basically the first ever German meme in history.

We here even today say 08-15 as a way to describe something of low value. 99% of the people don’t know where this saying comes from, but yeah it is actually talking about the WW1 MG.

The 08/15 was the first industrial item that got “standardised”, it was the first “German norm”, and considered basic/low quality/value because it was mass produced.

Sure, that run and gun stuff ain’t what LMGs are for. But it’s mostly what the game’s about, it’s too fast paced to do much LMG work.

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It’s hard but doable.

I was talking about the Vickers there, because that’s what you showed me. It has an 100rd drum, does it not?

Alright dude… you’re still missing the point. I’m not going keep re-explaining myself if you can’t read carefully.

I never said the MG42 was bad, or that we shouldn’t get one with 100 rounds. I’m saying it’s only going to be marginally better because of how it performs, and people need to stop acting like it’s going to make them better.

And when I say “people”, I’m mainly talking about one particular axis main who spams this damn topic to the point of frustration.