When can the Germans expect a belt fed MG with 100 rounds or 150 rounds

Watch what you say because that could just turn into a premium squad

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Conders is an smg with a very low dmg per hit you can get easily get killed if someone is at the mid range, americans have equivalent of that gun in form of two Drum Thompsons. You also have 100 mag lmg while Axis is not having any of them.


nah. cause it wouldnt be MG like it is now. his suggestion basically transforms MG into portable MG nest with limited ammo. like how it was historically used. not this run and gun nonsense we have now.

Well then good luck with convincing the Soviet players and the allied players who abuse this type of strategy then

And I ran out of hearts again


kerberos event squad for both germany and japan, when?


At this point since the Tokyo arsenal exists I don’t see why we should stop at anything anymore



How about fixing the GODDAMN BIPODS first ?

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You and I both know that’s never gonna happen so they’re better off giving the Germans the gun they want so we can spray bullets at each other

German mgs have INSANE recoil and fire rate !
It doesnt matter 25 less or more bullets you have when you cannot hit the target and most of them just wasted before reaching enemy soldier. Have you ever played those things or you want to use forum as free trashtalk place ?

Oh, my gas masks xD

I have used them and I need it to hold back nine man squads and if I somehow wipe them out there’ll be another squad to replace the one I just killed

And I think it’s about time the Germans get a belt fed MG because everyone else seems to be getting them so I think it’s about time Germans get their own 100 round MG

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Yes I agree! I’m glad you made this post again, last time we made a post about this topic, you andI got shamed for it. Not this time my friend! We want the ability to have a 100rd belt for the MG34/42 and with the addition of the me maxim machine gun, it’s absolutely necessary to have a counter LMG for the axis.

I made a whole post discussing the concept of having the 50rd belt, 100rd belt as well as having a “ammo box” where you can run 150/250rounds out of the ammo box where you can deploy the machine gun with its bipod and it will allow the player to utilize the ability to “lockdown” a sector and control the area in front of them. The caveat to having a longer belt is the fact that the weight will be increased (respectively) as well as the ammo box will be respectively heavier, thus allowing enemies to be able to shoot at a clueless MG gunner and “balance” out the extension.

I also believe that the ammo box should be allowed for ALL factions and nations.


As soon as they give belt fed 8mm MGs realistic recoil? Cuz they currently recoil like .22lr, with 800+ RPM. Make em’ recoil like they should with accuracy to match, and I’ll be fine with the BAR being BR 3 and german mains bitching about 1919a6 like it compares at all favorably to MG34 patronentrommel, or even mg42, all while johnson LMG is an MG while FG42 is, somehow, a rifle

Edit: if they do the thing like the guy before me suggests, I’m fine with it for everyone with belt fed MGs. Else, nah, suck it up and move on with your GeRmAnY SuFfErS wunderwaffen BS

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It’s weird too, they don’t consider the FG-42 an LMG despite the fact that it would be designed with the automatic functionality veering to LMG classification. Rather it’s considered an automatic rifle when it would be close to LMG or Battler rifle. Now gun classification gets complicated, but the edict behind the design with automatically select fire was volume of fire for use in a suppressive function. It could not be used full auto to any other effect, for obvious reasons given the rate of fire and chambered round. Not to mention how light weight it is.

It was effective in what it was because it was designed to a squad support element you could make a jump with. Though as I recall, never used to such capacity, the Germans abandoned the tactic following Create. During create there was a blunder where they had dropped without there equipment and the British seized it.

As for the terminology of Battle rifle, it wouldn’t become as relevant until later times, though I do believe the Germans are historically referenced as having referred to it as a battle rifle. I don’t know the frequency and assume the designation fostered little meaning to the actual firearms role.

After all, it’s name is just quite simply paratrooper rifle-42.

I’m not too sure having machine guns fixed in place would be a good thing when you look at the Soviets and their maxim machine gun they shouldn’t be able to even carry that thing and fire it but yet somehow they do.

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Wow, it’s almost 2024, and somehow there’s still people who think that +25 rounds in a machine gun with 1000 rpm is magically going to make them better.

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US M1919A6 and Vicker
Soviet RD44, Belt fed DP and now Maxim Tokarev

For the most basic point, you get more ammo to shoot = more dead people


ROF is not anywhere near 1000 rpm

Could also have 75 rounds and it would make very little difference.

Those don’t have 1000+ rpm ROF either.

Except that the gun has such an absurdly high ROF and recoil that even with excellent trigger discipline, a significant number of your shots aren’t going to be on target (50% or more). Meaning adding 25 rounds doesn’t make as big of a difference that people think it will.

Unless you’re about to tell me that an average player can reliably make 40-50 kills with a single MG42 drum

Sounds like you completely missed the point. If you don’t know how to use the German MGs as it is now, you’re not going to be any better with 25 more rounds.

I’m not saying don’t add 100 round MG42, I’m saying stop acting like it’s going to magically make you better. It’s not.


You have written your statement as if I have offended you personally, You sound like you are being challenged by what we are saying. I hope you, myself and others in this post may come to an understanding and a common ground in our regards and we can have a resolution for what we all would like to see. We all are players in the game, we all enjoy the game very much, let’s be civil please.

The MG42 does have high recoil, saying it’s comparable to a 22lr rimfire is very exaggerated.
The recoil on the MGs are all acceptable for what caliber they are and at the same time, they could be tweaked if needed.

The Vickers 100rd paratrooper LMG is a very fast firing 100rd LMG with very manageable recoil, as someone who has gone up against it and has used it myself, I would say that it is a fine weapon to deploy with, especially while using the paratroopers. Deadly combination that I personally take heed with.

As for the MG34 with Par.drum. It’s a nice feature to have, yet it doesn’t allow the MG to act in a way that is favorable to someone who wishes to actively participate in close engagements or even distant engagements any more than the standard MG34.

The MG34/42 should all have 100round belts. The Allies should also be given the “Stinger” LMG (not sure if it is in game already) with a 100rd belt. Having the ability to have large belts allows any LMG user to fully utilize the ability to use short bursts to hold down a distance section, or even the ability to do extended bursts at short range and hold a street corner or shred a hedgerow.

Maybe the caveat to the MG34/42 having a longer belt should be an increase in standing recoil. I also believe the bipod system should be refined and optimized for player use. The bipods would allow the recoil to be minimized by a player who goes into a state where a bipod can be deployed, and then when they stand or depart from cover, the walking and shooting accuracy would be hindered by the recoil bursts.

May I also add this; I believe the amount of recoil should be tied with the weight of the weapon. A weapon that is very heavy will have low recoil due to the amount of energy produced in the operation of the weapon, the ability to move and shoot would drain stamina and lower the ability to hold the weapon up and shoot from the shoulder for extended durations. Overall the heavier the weapon, the recoil should be relative to the weight. Thus why the MG42 should have a higher recoil because it was a stamped and “lightweight” machine gun.
The 1919 in game has “low” recoil but again, it is a heavy weapon and it’s correct to have the recoil where it currently is at in game.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on what I have mentioned above. :grinning::+1: