Wheeled light armor should replace bikes

what would be in the group, 4 to 6 wheels, fast speed with light armor, small crew 1 to 3 small guns 30MM and under, high rate of fire, low profile, good turn rate

Light vehicles would be a fun addition, but player count would have to go up before adding more IFV slots.

Lots of scout vehicles are pretty sweet

Yes these ones are tanks, but as its only MGS id put it in this class.


they should just take a tanks place tbh, even though they are different they more or less simlar

maps are much too small, and would quickly over clutter the very non-vehicle planned maps
the maps would have to have lot less shit to get stuck on as a 1st step


one only added 1 slot like the current bike system, 2 stick to wheeled to make them distinct from tanks, if it took a tank slot almost no one would play them if they could choose a tank


Id still have them seperate, because if you keep them together, people would instead just spawn another medium/heavy tank, rather than use the scout vehicles.

Having it seperate would ensure you dont end up with 3 medium tanks spawning in all the time. 1 slot would always have to be a light vehicle. (Assumption vehicle cap raised to 3 to accomodate)

My suggetion would be more players, bigger play areas (maps are quite big already, just cut down by greyzone)

3 vehicle slots for a team. Your team can have at any one time;

  • 1 light vehicle exclusive slot. (lets just say scout slot)
  • up to 2 light tanks in tank slot
  • up to 2 medium tanks in tank slot
  • maximum of 1 heavy tank in tank slot

role scout, get behind and disable tanks, scout out enemy positions maybe even mark enemy for mortars

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Or they even get the ability to call in artillery.

Maybe a mortar carrier instead, so were not crucified

I do not agree, in fact I am in favor of putting motorcycles in other war scenarios, to give an example in the Pacific, since t

here were some divisions, it is true that many of you do not like it but the few of us who enjoy it, we make the game fun for the people