Whats the most essential squad?

Trying to grind research since the new update and want to see whats the best squads to use for xp. I already use engineer alot so i want to know what else.

Engineer + anti-tank equipment + automatic weapons

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For most of the game - assaulter.


Assault with radio and anti tank. OP squad. Followed by engineer with assaulter, radio, and anti tank.

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You should run only Assaulters + some way to defend yourself against tanks up until BR5.

There is little point in using anything other than full automatic weapons with good DPS and accuracy on the move.

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Radio from the Ă©vent with engee
Radio squad with sniper (unpopular opinion)
Engee squads from events
Assault squad with medic or AT
Mortars squad with 2 Mortars (perks max) with 2 engee

I prefer to use little squad with max 4 or 5 mens

always engineer, than AT gunner

  1. engineer
  2. AT gunner

It depends on your playstyle.

Ultimately you can approach it from a task oriented perspective, particularly if you’re starting and you want the best bang for buck initially.

The critical one for the game is the Engineer - they set the conditions for win or loss. The provide spawn points and ammo, two things you can never have enough of…

The next most critical role is Assault, since the game is effectively “balanced” around this squad. Once you get more unlocks across other squads, the versatility of this squad makes most of the other squads in game redundant. Its also the critical squad for attacking, taking and holding the objective.

After these two roles, you essentially have a list of support options which come down to playstyle.

FT role is an excellent complimentary role to the Assault team, and super effective at breaking into heavily defended objectives. Its a role limited to its own squad and so it has a broader relevance to the game which can’t be usurped by other squads (except Paras I think).

The next squad in this situation is the mortar squad/role. I really like it because right out of the early game it offers you a directed and sustained support to the capture or defence of an objective. As long as the retards on your team know how to mark enemy positions, you can very precisely eliminate enemy counter attacks on objective or soften it up before your own troops begin the assault. It is much more precise than any arty or airstrike and can be very effective against open topped vehicles incl APCs. Its very effectively sustained once you have an engineer in your squad. Like the FT it is not reproducible in other squads (except Paras I think) so retains its relevance.

The Radio Operators are ones that you could argue rate some considerations because whilst you can seed ROs across different squads, they will only provide you with HE or Smoke, and on a relatively long timer. The upgraded RO squad will provide you with some strong suppression options on a significantly reduced timer and with some of the new squads can give you a wide range of AOE effects. If you time them right you’ll get pretty significant pay offs for your team.

The last unique squad / role that is very effective if used well are the paratroopers, and they’re able to very effectively switch the avenue of approach onto the objective for your team. They have a unique chameleon capability that can turn them into a specialist squad on landing which makes them incredibly versatile and dangerous.

The remainder of the squads are effectively fillers for the above squads, you will need to unlock and progress these at some stage but they’re not critical to your chances of success. I think the weakest of these is the AT squad which has been effectively neutered by the det packs in the early game. In the late game the effectiveness of ranged AT improves sufficiently to tip the balance from det pack spam to being able to degrade/destroy even the heaviest vehicles effectively from short to medium range.

So snipers, MG, AT, and medics (early game asslt substitutes - why??? don’t know) are all relatively redundant in their core squad roles, since what they specifically bring to the table is of situational value initially, although it gets better as the game progresses and you get better at utilsing their specific squad abilities.


Agree. Mortar squads are fun. With good spotters, the mortar rounds can be devastating and a blast (no pun intended) to run.

The 3 I run are Assaulter, Engineer, Mortar. I have a radio and an anti-tank in each squad.

If I’m trying to rank up a class, then I swap the Mortar out for the class I’m ranking up.