What's new on YouTube: #4

the downed hp and regualr hp would be lower in total than normal hp so if you take 18 damage even with the hp perk and the adrenaline you would die

The reason why medical soldiers are rare is that eliminating potential factors that can cause injury or death is much more efficient than simply treating the wounded so killing enemy is much better than healing .If we can’t stop enemy’s steps to us ,healing a person to live but we all die under enemy bullets few seconds later will be a terrible joke.
How to improve this medic class is a big question ,because of TTK in Enlisted is too short, healing sometimes only did much less job to team than killing especially in high level combat, kill whole squad only take few seconds ,and even use bandage with quick revive skill to revive is nearly impossible, how can a medic to heal a hill of corpses or a pile of unidentifiable human body pieces? And medical squad strength is not very well, they only have 5 people with submachinegun or shotgun and without a slot to bring more ammo or grenades because of medical bag is used that slot, more important this squad can’t take engineer or AT soldier, it only have 5 medical soldiers can be used.
So if we want to improve this class to make the squad have better appearance rate to it. We should give the medic squad a engineer first, then we can give this squad an unique structure like flame squad and machinegun squad, maybe a structure can keep healing allies nearby or collect bodies to refill reinforcement ticket? maybe we can expand the team size to 7 people, just like other assault squads? maybe we can let medic use more kinds of weapons? maybe we can give a slot to bring more ammo or grenades?
The final words is bringing those kind guys to this hell of massacre is a totally mistake.

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the medical squad is far too specialized and for those without additional slots is a handicap continue to use it past a certain point expecially because it cannot add specialists and therefore underperforms compared to any other non-premium infantry squad, furthermore it must be said that since they use smg the players use them until they unlock the assaulters and then forget them

And i have to say add a medic in a squad is a hard choice, because you are eliminating the possibility of adding an engineer or an AT trooper for example since medics are not presented as alternatives to assaulters in many squad but as more usefull specialist

now for me one way to improve the medical squad and solve the problem i presented up would be to make it a subclass of riflemen, simply players buy medic bags and give them to riflemen turning them into medic

Obliviusly some small change is needed

  • no more medical squad
  • each infantry squad can have 1 medic
  • add a medic dont require grind squad perk but only convert a rifleman
  • medic cannot use anymore smg as primary weapon, only BA and SA

Make medics active even if they’re told to stay put/hold position.

Since I’m running around constantly, the medics would only die if I didn’t tell them to stay put or actually stand on point. I also thought they would be most useful there helping teammates, but I just realized the opposite. Today they’re just standing idle and doing nothing even if a soldier is bleeding out just in front of them.


Give us the command or option to tell medics to always be active/supportive and do their job even if they’re told by me to stay put/hold position. I suggest they operate actively and support teammates in a radius around the position you want them to stay put/hold position.

In the best of worlds the size of their operational zone should also be set by the preference of the player (small, medium or large).


A lot of things could of course be better or changed about medics. This suggestion concerns the medics as they’re implemented today.


Considering the current state of the game, you probably ragdoll that player off the map by clipping through the ground lmao

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Medic is a class that the Devs seems to never play any other game with Medic class to see why they work in other game but this game, TTK is not the problem, most milsim with medic has no casual friendly TTK(get shot = dead), the medic acts like the backbone of the squad because they can pull them back to life and keep fighting if they can, in Enlisted you just die, plain and simple

In a game that treat AI squadmate as extra life you wonder why Medic is not great?

This might be going too far, but how about a second downed state. (this is not new, Is in alot of games)

State 1: Current downed state (player can revive himself)

State 2: For all intensive purposes, player/bots are dead dead. But medics can recover them and bring them back (maybe with a lower Max HP). Can add a time limited or until the player releases. (dismembered/incinerated bodies unrevivable)

Gives you a way to save the team some tickets, and medics a real unique and useful reason to actually be actively medic’ing. Bots medics will do this automatically?

Remember how your engineer always manages to cop a stray bullet? bring him back medic!!


Interesting, because when I jumped into Pacific a couple days ago, that didn’t appear to be the case. I’ll double check though.

this will make switching to another squad permanently slower as now everyone would have to wait out the second downed state timer?

Nah not really. You just press a button to “release” so you dont have to wait (if you are last alive, otherwise you just swap to next bot as usual). Waiting is optional

Thanks for suggestion it’s very detailed с:


Please do more!

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