What's Better for Blowing Up Tanks?

I need to know what’s better for blowing up tanks: The first bazooka you get or the PIAT. Yesterday while I was playing there was an enemy tank and I shot all of my bazooka rockets at it and it did nothing to it, no one died, and I think that’s dumb so I need to know which is better.

well, it depends how you kinda play.

the bazooka is easier to use, but has less pen.
hence, it’s best to aim and use around the flanks of tanks.
if you can’t, try to aim for turrets. ( frontally is able to pen panzer IIIs and IVs )

the piat has more pen, but it can be tricky to aim due to it’s sight.

but in both cases, always aim at flat surfaces. not angled ones unless you are very close to it.

and then there are japanese tanks.
they either blow up after the first shot, or deflect so many inspite of their rather aweful armor.

except the Ho-i.
same rule as above apply.

What tank were you shooting at?

Thanks for the advice. I honestly just want whatever blows up tanks the best.

I’m not sure but I think it’s German and Japanese tanks cuz I main America.

So if you use the M1 Bazooka you can front pen every tank you face.
All german and japanese tanks you can see only have at most 50mm of turret armor but you have 80mm of pen.
So as long as you aim for the turret you will be fine even in an uptier. Just know that the panzer 3 N and the 4J have 80mm of hull armor so try to avoid shhoting there (even if there are some spots you still can pen if you know where).
Japan just will not have any armor so feel free to just aim for center mass on any of them (bonus points if you know where ammo is stored).

If you want to improve I can advise you to go into the practice range with an At squad and just unload rockets into the tanks there and see where you can go through.
With some practice you will be able to translate that into easy tank kills in the live match when everything has to go fast.

That’s good to know, thank you. I still think it’s dumb that a tank withstood 6 bazooka rockets to about the area between the turret and the part with the wheels, though they might’ve hit the side of the turret bit

What tank was?

It is entirely possible that your rocket did pen and damge the tank but just did not destroy the entire tank.
Keep in mind that tanks in enlisted do not have a HP bar.

Tanks are only destroyed when

  1. Ammo storage is set off
  2. Last surviving crew member is killed or tank was abandoned for a while
  3. Tank burned out

So if you keep hitting a tank in the same spot over and over again you might just hit what amounts to basicly dead air over and over again, where nothing of value is left that can be destroyed ( or even able to fullfill one of the conditions mentioned above needed to destroy the tank).

Not anymore…

Not so long ago, US bazooka (both M1 and M9) got an armor pen upgrade. Now the M1 Bazooka has the exact same pen as the PIAT, but is easier to use and apparently also has more post pen damage.


The Bazooka is just better.

(I think the Bazooka got buffed when the soviet got them as well…)


the heck. i know for sure it used to have less pen.

oh well.
i guess the piat is for larping now.

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Both Bazooka was buffed almost a year ago, that’s why I asked what tank OP was shooting with the M1 because shouldn’t have problem to pen Pz4 frontally

They should buff PIAT and maybe debuf bazooka on BRII (lets not debuf the BRIII one)

I find placing a TNT charge on the engine works the best

I disable the tank with a quick AT shot, then cook a anti tank (6 sec) grenade and throw it

M1 bazooka is excellent for BR2 matches, even German BR3 vehicles have 50mm armor at their turrets.

go to the practice range and bring an AT squad with an engineer. Practice shooting 1 shot at a time at familiar tanks and let the replay indicator show you where you hit and what happened. The key thing I want you to learn is where the ammo racks are. If you can hit that area, you have a significantly higher chance to 1 shot the tank or at least set it on fire. This basic skill here applies to every single tank in the game; some are harder to get at than others.

also what some other poster said; hitting flat surfaces will give better results to penetrate but knowing what’s on the other side post-pen is critical to wrecking face :slight_smile: