What would you add, remove from the game

remove prone for all but MG, Sniper class it is almost a cloaking device

Add inspect weapon animation, would lover to get a better look at my gun in game

Battle Rating

because SF fighting bolties is the peak of fun

I’d like to see more vehicles.

Jeeps, Kubelwagens, and most important of all, bicycle squads!

Remove the silver costs for resetting perks on all squads. Also remove the broken pop up in customs that keeps ruining many games

Add more advanced AI that can actually follow orders. The AI behaviour should also change depending on the class. Assaulters should get closer while mg gunners would set up positions and give covering fire etc


I’d remove the Sniper Class as well.

but I’d keep prone for everyone.

I’d remove being able to ADS/fire most MG’s from the shoulder,

I’d totally redo BRV’s rifles; probably replacing them with semi-auto only 15-20 round magazine fed rifles.

I’d fill weapons gaps and try to make the factions “semi-symetrical”

I would add a handbrake to light vehicles
It’s annoying to park your perfectly good APC only to see it slowly roll off a hill and get either right in plain sight or taking a swim at the bottom of a river or the sea…
And to also try to drift XD


Or just an auto-handbrake to enable after you leave the vehicle.


I will add an option to see if the stabilizer is on/off

I’d remove the rank system, or at least radically change it.

When it comes to setting up my squads to start a battle, I’d also like the option of not filling in every squad slot I’ve purchased. If I have 10 slots, but only want to take 5 squads, I should be able to do that.

The GUI currently prevents that :frowning:

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Remove prone ?
Oh, you want a new doom ww2 wad i see :joy:

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