What to do with teammates who do not build rally points?

Hello comrades!

As rally points are one of the most important things in Enlisted, how do i convince teammates to build them?
Sometimes i barely get to fighting because i am stuck constantly building rallypoints, ammunition and apc…

Some players really think that getting only kills will make them win?


Yes, especially greyzone camping tanks, they go only for kills and score and dont do anything else, a bot infantry squad is more useful than those.


No need to convince people to build rallies.

It is better to let them lose and focus on score instead.

(battle hero awards to not lose rank)

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man arent those the worst

i call them leech tbh since they spawn on my rally and never recognize who build it

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As rally points are one of the most important things in Enlisted, how do i convince teammates to build them?

You don’t. However you can encourage your teammates by telling them they get double the xp if they win.

…Nah joking they don’t care lol.

Some players really think that getting only kills will make them win?


It is better to let them lose and focus on score instead.

(battle hero awards to not lose rank)

The current rank system is an irrelevant mechanic apart from the few rewards you get for not touching grass. It will not get you to the desired weapon faster, it won’t change matchmaking.

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I know, but I prefer to let idiots lose than to carry the team by myself :frowning_face:

Victory is a team effort after all, nothing can be done if people want to lose.

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Lol maybe because that is basically what tanks and planes can do?

There won’t be some many complains on grey zone tank if they are useless.

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Just leave. Don’t waste time with it.
Don’t even see the point of this post.

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I think it’s the first time I’ve seen a hint that @Scav_Sergei got upset at someone. Very gentlemanly otherwise.

The other guy must have been really annoying…

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I just pressed “defend zone” literally once, and he started insulting me because i had only 10 kills (i was busy constantly building rally points and ammo boxes to help the entire team) and he kept telling he is carrying our bad team with his kills (he had 0 engineer points).

I am not upset at him either :upside_down_face: i just have no idea of how to work with such players, as i cant convince them even with a friendly response to an insult…


well from my experience most of the shit talkers are shit players. have seen lots of people complain about shit teams when they are 5th place or lower on scoreboard with 0 engineer points.



You see, in large battles, there’s the brains, who command and support the team.

Then there’s simple grunts.

It’s easy to see which is which :smile:
Just tell yourself, that guy is “expendable” eheheh


Yeah, thats why I turned their little tank into a rally truck in big action :smiling_imp: