What the difference between ISU 152 and SU 152?

Since I’m not much of a history nerd (would love to become one but I’m lazy) what the difference other than name change? They kinda look similar to me tbh.

Oh and it should be in the game in 2 year since KV2 finally got out of editor.

Su-152 was 152mm gun mounted on KV-1S tank chassis but ISU-152 was same gun mounted on IS tank chassis


Hmm interesting does it have same armor or no?

ISU has a little more armor but not enough to make difference in any BR3 and above match

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152 gun sounds pretty good to me tho but then again idk anything about caliber it just “big number good” in my monkey brain

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In front of the level 3 long-barreled 75MM cannon
All Soviet tanks are a joke

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If the caliber is big but the gun is short it would be a howitzer more meant to be infantry support gun and ISU and SU were used as tank destroyers and mobile artillery anyhow it has more pen than Tiger and PZ IVs but less than panther at least on its APHEBC shell but has half minute long reload so its make it worse than both PZ IVs and Tiger E , ISU also has access yo heat but to my understanding it was never used during ww2

It has an ace reload of 21.3 seconds in WT, which means it could get down to 17 seconds in enlisted with loader perks.


Historically speaking, both ISU and IS2 used primarily HE, which was still devastating against tanks.

There simply is a level of explosive power - that once reached doesn’t need any penetration to knock out a tank.

KV 2 kills Tiger II H in a single shot, which makes total sense. Even IS2 HE should actually be very reliable against Panthers, since they had extremely thin roof armor.

Just look at some history, alot of German late war vehicles got knocked out by those howitzers.

ok so after reading like 4 website (1 of them was wikipedia of course) it does have AP shell so how good is it AP?

oh and finnish ISU152

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And who said otherwise man I mean ISU-152 and SU were given the nickname "Beast slayer " so obviously if we have a good overpressure mechanic in game they could kill them

I did mention the same thing


Yes you are exactly right.

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Isu is sexier than Su.


ok so in conclusion it should be in the game by late 2026 (maybe late 2027 would be better i guess) then since it stat (at least the conclusion i got from here and old warthunder forum) is bad

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