What’s new on YouTube? #9

Since our launch on Steam, we’ve seen countless new up-and-coming content creators blossom, so we thought it would be a good time to revisit this series and take a minute to collect a few new videos dedicated to the game for you!

“BETTER LOOKING War Thunder” by DOLLARplays

Have you ever wondered what happens when a well-known War Thunder content creator plays Enlisted? There’s only one way to find out – and you can bet it includes some of the most iconic vehicles in the game!

“When the tank has nothing to fight back with.” by MrKurbis

Tank models in Enlisted are incredibly detailed – you can damage various parts of these armored vehicles with all sorts of weaponry and equipment, either by luck or skill. Yet there’s nothing quite like calmly walking up to a tank you disabled yourself, knowing that it can do nothing to escape its inevitable demise by your explosive pack. Pure bliss.

“Fully Upgraded Soldier :shushing_face: :deaf_person:” by FACE_TAC

You may have noticed that in our recent progression and economy overhaul, the price of enlisting new soldiers was reduced by up to 80% – yet upgrading them still remains free! Simply enter battles with your troopers and they’ll quickly gain experience for their cheekbones (allegedly).

There’s lots of other great community-made content that we watched, including memes, short tutorials, complex guides and cinematics! We couldn’t include them all, but we would like to give honorable mentions to: “That one Engineer in Enlisted” by RoMich02_ and “Enlisted | It’s over, he has the high ground.” by KuurSyal.

Enlisted Partnership Program

Do you upload interesting Enlisted content to YouTube? Share it with us on our official Discord server or Reddit, or apply to the partnership program on our website!


When mods digest? It has been a while


True - it has been a while. Perhaps Soon™. :slight_smile:


I really should crack open OBS and make some gameplay stuff, just to show off my incredibly mediocre gaming skill. It’d have to be commentary-free though, as I hate the sound of my own voice.


and what’s not …


DOLLARplays is very entertaining/talented. Liked that vid a lot!


new class


Mods digest is neglected the same way modding itself is neglected by the developers and the major content creators on youtube. It’s a shame really.


It indeed is. Feels especially outrageous when you take into account the effort some modders put into their creations only for them to not end up working because devs ignore all mod related suggestions and improvements

I wouldn’t blame the devs themselves. I would rather point at the game lead designers or just the person responsible for designating priorities.

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The last one was in mid march. So yeah it was a long time ago

Not a lot of content compared to the previeous one

I am usually not the guy that enjoys video game content on youtube or twitch all that much, but its a fact that more publicity on those platforms would help the game grow.

maybe putting more attention here could be a smart thing to do…

Enlisted on Doom engine confirmed?

It’s such a shame to see dollarplays playing like a noob in Enlisted with unlocked tech tree…

Nahhh, he plays fine. He’s fun to watch