What’s new on YouTube? #8

Based move ngl !

plant mine on side and demolish it with a shot. works wonders

It’s good for destroying tanks when you don’t have a paratrooper squad and you just use pilots instead and land somewhere nearby

Isn’t that the good old H&G way? When h&g ppl were too impatient they shot their mines. But with Enlisted game pace being much faster, it’s rather a good idea here.

Although, do AT mines deal more damage/radius, than planted tnt? :thinking: something to test tonight!

The Axis camp is having a hard time

I hate conquest because victory conditions are really stupid. You have the 3 cap points that don’t serve any purpose, defending a point is meaningless, and the rules for winning are basically “kill all of the enemy troops before they kill all of you but you have no control over where the attacks are going to happen. You can be sitting to defend a cap the entire round and never see action or you can be there all alone and get completely overrun.”

I hate conquest cos the 3 caps are all so close together (map is so damn small)…the game is over in no time. very rarely does it mature into anything enjoyable. For me at least. Dont get me wrong the other game modes can be over in minutes too.

is that a player problem? yes…but a problem never the less

I hate conquest in Enlisted but I always loved it in BF series.

Guess it’s the player count issue: Enlisted can only afford 3/5 points next to each other, like the chancellery objectives literally being 3 rooms of the same building.

Meanwhile in BF with 32v32 the maps were much more varied, some objectives could be on islands, others inside forts or on vantage points.
The was always action and capturing the point actually allowed teammates to spawn there.

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I hate conquest in Enlisted but I always loved it in BF series.

Same here.

In BF(1) you could spawn at captured zones which made the battle more dynamic. In Enlisted, you are forced to always spawn at the same points (not counting rally points).

Adding the same mechanic to Enlisted conquest mode would definetly make it more interesting imo.

One thing I find ironic with most Enlisted Youtubers/Content Creators is that in most of their videos/streams they play in 3-4-stacks with other veteran players.

I mean sure, hate the game, not the player, if the game allows 4 people to stack +6 and play against 10 randoms, that’s the game’s fault.

Not pointing any fingers or calling names.
But it’s still curious that sometimes they also say “the game is essentially easy”, “usually you’re playing against bad players”, “gun X is perfectly fine”, “faction Y is perfectly fine” (while having all of the OP premiums and event squads and playing in stacks).