What’s different about the newest Sherman from the U.S. Army in Normandy?

This thing looks like an ordinary Sherman no matter how you look at it, even the model of the gun is the same as before.
In addition, I doubt that their so-called vertical stabilizer has never had an effect?


By the way, if you put this thing at such a late stage, it still only has the M1 76mm cannon, and its performance doesn’t seem to have improved. What’s the point of doing this?

it has better armor over m4a1, RHA(x1.0) its better than CHA (x0.94)
76mm weapon its a lot better than a 75mm (149/115/53 VS 91/75/37)
and the stabilizer really took effect since it was added to the shermans
Better speed in m4a2 76w


The three brothers, the level 31 M10, the level 36 m4a1 76w, and the level 39 M18, are just three pieces of shit when faced with the Tiger and Panther. The m4a276W is level 40, and the result is still a piece of shit .
Since the ASS44, which was only designed in 1944 and only participated in the selection in 1946, can appear in Berlin, then hurry up and add the M26 Pershing. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well, I really like the latest Sherman. Perfectly matched against Tiger E and Panther in Normandy.

Since you brought up that weird AS44 reference:
In case you didn’t know, several Pershing saw combat in 1945.

This is btw a golden mini-documentary about the famous tank duel in Cologne.


All of the above will quite easily OHK the Tiger and Panther, just aim and click. So I’d say they’re quite nice


yep, I like destroying tigers with the M18, it is quite gratifying to go at full speed because no tiger expects a tank to run so fast next to it.

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This is only for Firefly’s AP round. American tanks with 76mm gun use APHE round with up to 150mm of armour penetration.

The M4A2 76 and M4A1 76 are decent. Yes they are not as good as Tiger or Panther, but they can kill them. US has better plane than Germany, but it has worst tanks. I would suggest to keep using the Jumbo instead for infantry support. Late sherman can kill any tank but they also are killed by any tank.

Both M26 pershing and T26 super pershing saw combat in 1945 which is not suited for Normandy, but I still hope to see them after the merge. M36 might also be included, but it is just a M10 with a better gun.

my mistake

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To be honest, I mainly play Normandy, and I have been playing it since the open beta. I have never seen M10 and M18 at all, most people still use JUMBO.As for dealing with German tanks. That basically depends on the air force.In addition, it is not as easy to penetrate a tiger as you say, unless that fool aims its front armor at 90 degrees at your muzzle.

That’s right. After the rockets were weakened, the only way to stably destroy German tanks was with bombs. This is a bit difficult for many less skilled pilots.


Only clip I currently have, but it gets the point through, it’s quite simple. I’d say with over 300 hours of Normandy Allies and many more hours playing 76 shermans / fireflies in war thunder v Tigers, it’s quite easy to penetrate a Tiger. A Panther though you can get through with a 75mm so long as you hit the cheeks

If you want I can also send you images using War Thunder’s protection analysis system to show how even an angled Tiger can be penetrated by the 76


Yeah, you’re right - It’s not. But as you now, considering the highest BR after merge, Allies will desperately need them to face Tiger IIs.


This is a Panther not a Tiger. It has 40mm of side armor not 80. It is really easy to go through Panther’s side, but if a tiger is angling itself at something like 40-45 degree, the 76 will not go through its armor.

The best way to take out a tiger is to attack by surprise, but this is true with every tank in the game.

Yes I really want something to fight against Tiger II, because sherman 76 is no better than T34-85, which already get smashed by Tiger II H.


Thanks to the devs in their infinite wisdom in adding the AS-44 MODEL 5 to the game that means anything can go now otherwise why did they add it.

0:13 , @Inferno1001001 destroyed a tiger

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Even with that, all you have to do is just aim a little bit more and you’ll cut through


Ok my bad, I did not watched till the end. That Tiger was still presenting its full flat armor dead on. The angling strategy can still be applied by anyone who played War Thunder before playing this game. Don’t get me wrong, US 76 can still do wonder against german tanks, but it wont go through an angled Tiger nor through Panther Frontal plate (Panther turret is still weakspot).

Yes but the Tiger on the other hand does not need to aim to get one in one go.

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I’m playing normandy axis and when I see 76 on killfeed I know it’s a big threat.
Now we can both OHK eachother so who shoots first, wins.

For some reason M4 76 players tend to be blind.
But 76 Jumbo is a nightmare. It’s a strong tank, often with good player.

This tank is not yet in the game. It might be released after the merge to be a somewhat equivalent to the Tiger II P.

The last unlocked sherman in the campaign is the M4A2 76 W, which is just an upgunned variant of the M4A2 at level 15. It has the same hull but use a similar turret to the M4A1 76 W. The M4A2 76 W does not get the upgraded armor of the Jumbo.

The 76 Jumbo denomination is M4A3E2 76 W. In game we only have M4A3E2 with the standard US 75.