I fly Screen Joystick, as Pointer aim seems too limiting and direct any heavy controller input puts me in a spin and die.
Just curious if any of the console fly boys n gals have any preference to plane control mode.
If you fly something else , please state why, ie better maneuverability etc
I’ve always stuck to pointed aim,Im pretty sure I tried some of the other modes and didn’t like them.I don’t think I’ve ever had a problem with pointer aim and I do pretty well with it (Except for rolling on the FWs,but that’s more of the plane itself).I started using it just because it was the default mode,but I keep using pointer aim because it’s pretty easy to use and gives me decent results,and I personally don’t see much benefit in switching,although that could just be me.
Screem joystick too but I notice probably us console players misfortune certain aircrafts just feel ass when controlling well to say specifically fighters like La 5 and 7 feel very responsive and good. But for me personally when flying the Bf 109 series and P51 mustang D their controls become stubborn after 500+ km/h. I have played flight sim warthunder and have no issues with handling on those aircrafts there. Perhaps just skill issue on my part but definitely need to update aircraft control here something just doesn’t feel right when flying certain aircrafts
Wait there are different aim modes? Lol. I’ve just stuck to pointer cause that’s all I’m used to. Too much WT to try anything else
pointer aim I don’t have the setup for sim controls.
There is nothing wrong with game, it is called compression, when controls seem to lock, when going too fast in 109s
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Alright thanks but still feel bit strange lol cant describe it really definitely keep in mind when flying o7
Mostly pointer aim here but it’s heavily customized. I’m confused about what you mean by “compression” though. Do you all have your elevator mapped?
In a 109 if you go over 450 -500 you will find it difficult to pull up, in any variant, after F, the Emil is fine. (Another word is over speed)
I will stick with screen joystick for now.
Ok. I don’t have this problem so I’m not sure why others do.
Just did some quick testing in the practice range.
Used the K, G-14(P), G-6,F-1, and the E-7. All upgraded to max, I then dropped bombs, retained ammo then climbed to 4K ALT. Dove at around a 80 degree decline and the result was about the same for all these aircraft. Could still pull up even up to 850 TAS. Though at about the 780 mark, the plane will start to auto pull up like the Hurricane does. And if nose is still forced down, flaps will start to break at around the 850+ range. I would imagine the G-14, G-10, F-2 and F-4 would preform in the same manner.
So yeah I’m not sure how this “compression” is happening on your end. Is it because you’re carrying bombs? I do know they absolutely negatively impact the performance of all aircraft. Unsure if ammo has any effect.
My other guess is folks just don’t have their elevator mapped. If someone is relying on pointer aim to pull, especially at high speed, it’s not going to work very well. Having elevator mapped is crucial.
So at the moment I use pointer aim with the elevator (nose up/nose down) and ailerons (roll left/right) on the left stick. Right stick is for free look/ pointer aim control. When holding down the free look button, the pointer aim disengages and the plane can be controlled solely with the left stick. (When pointer aim disengages, i think the plane functions more like screen joystick or that other option) Anyways, I use this to do maneuvers with the left stick while still attempting to keep eyes on my opponents with the right stick. When I need to shoot, I release the free look, pointer aim reengages and I use those fine tune adjustments to score kills.