What on earth is with matchmaker recently

It’s extra unhinged recently
1st match - BR2 Axis, defence, so kinda boring, at least enemies somewhat tried
2nd match - fucking 27 minute conquest where I ended up flying around for like 20 minutes
3rd match - actually somewhat decent attack map, felt like I had to do everything myself however. Enemy team refused to build spawn points
4th match - another fucking defence, just flew around waiting for enemies to do ANYTHING
5th match - BR5 USA vs Japan

Team with actual human players, a guy who had the paid rocket pershing all were unable to deal with a single shitty japanese tin can tank camping in THE SAME SPOT THE WHOLE FUCKING MATCH. I ended up killing it a few times, but the rest of my team just sat there getting HE’d or hid in spawn as the pershing
6th match - 12 minute confrontation, team just kinda didnt leave spawn, ever

yes, that other guy had nothing but the “sNiPeR” award
7th match - USA in Pacific - idiot in chat dropped hard r n-word straight out of the gate and I didn’t want to have to deal with being curbstomped by another turbostacked Japan AND deal with that nonsense so I left
8th match - BR5 USA vs BR5 Germany - almost no-resistance stomp, tons of leavers
9th match - BR5 USA in DDay - enemies put some feeble resistance, but was basically yet another stroll
10th match - BR5 Japan - most of enemy team left, horrific stomp, dogshit game
11th match - BR 2 Germany vs USA - got kinda stomped by a 2-stack of guys spamming SMGs/MGs backed up by a carousel of good tanks. Our team had campers, no real tanks, no real infantry, a shit map that deals poorly with imbalanced teams, overall just depressing shitshow
12th match - BR5 USSR - team refused to do much of anything so we just lost to enemies walking into the capzone unopposed over and over

How could it have gotten worse than what we had before? It’s been like that for several days already. When the new BP first dropped I had epic matches for a day or two now its somehow more awful than ever

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why the match making sucks: Chinese new year, insane amount of players plus big event.
Matches turn into sweetfests quickly, too many clans are playing and balance is changing chaotically so there is no way to help it.

It was exactly the opposite in my experience - it was just dreary boredom turned up to 11. Game felt like a ghost town


thats the worse scenario, one team flooded with noobs while the other has veterans…

Its the event man, everyone is playing this game now, even people that share the same braincell.

Bad teammates and bad bots usually ruin my games. With the amount of desertions I see every game from my team or the opponents, I would say they are ruining a lot of people’s games. You can’t do anything about bad teammates or stacked teams, and DF apparently doesn’t want to do anything to improve their bots, so, we’re stuck. Actually, if DF made group play custom match only, that would help IMOP.

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Idk, I had fine matches recently. Maybe your account just got some shadow treatment, lmao

Be good to yourself
It’s never a shame to be a deserter (when you encounter a bad game mode and teammates)

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Yes. I feel the same. i used to get insta-matches, but now it takes a few minutes.

I often can’t tell human players from bots.
Sometimes I wonder what goes through the heads of these players.

Shooting these doesn’t always feel right because I feel like I’m shooting a disabled person.

Unironically feels like that
First 2 days of new BP were amazing
The rest felt like some of the worst pre-merge days :confused:

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Well, speaking of bad team mates. I just lost a game, destruction. I was on the defending side and to be honest, we were getting butt rolled till the last two joint objectives. After they blew up the middle set of targets, they had about 630 left for the last two objectives, and they got one of the two with 229, so we were not doing bad considering how it had been going. Then, on the final one…again, I am THE ONLY one that stayed to defend the bomb, and everyone else took off several blocks away looking for kills, but as always, they got flanked and I was stuck to defend by myself. We actually had them down to 29, and I had barb wired the shit out of the room since I knew I had no help and I had a full squad upstairs, so I figured I had done enough that we would probably win. Then, artillery took out my entire squad. Airplane bombs can’t penetrate a roof, but artillery shells can…Go figure. So, since there was no one close, we lost.

Most of my competitive games are lost because of people playing stupidly, like losing a cap point, then staying behind at the fallen cap point way to long while the enemy is sprinting to the next cap point where no one is defending because all the defenders are at the last one. And my bots? 75% of them die just trying to get to a cap point because they can’t run, they can’t keep up and they stand out in the open. The cherry on top would be if the bots actually waved their arms to make sure the enemy saw them, that is how dumb they are. :rofl:

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I especially love when my bots have no sense of self awareness while I am lining up a shot. “Get the cross-hairs lined up and…(blip)… Cpl. Ferguson is crawling or running in front of me”

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I’ve been playing Enlisted for over 4 years now (I am a free user), and I’ve noticed for quite some time that the matchmaker isn’t working well.
In my experience, about 9 out of 10 matches, the teams are very unbalanced (either we get overrun by the enemy or we overrun them).
For a while now, I’ve been playing on any nation, in BR 1-2 (I dropped down to BR 1-2 hoping to find better balance, but it didn’t work out).

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