Hello you can throw all the things you can think are cool and share to others.
If I noticed you can’t paste youtube or others eastern media
I will start with this : Ode to my family - the Cranberries
who not like that . .tell me how to paste like that ?
I think its a privilege thing? Not sure.
Looks like you just joined. Need more forum activity i think
So my activity is not talk ? Not understand this forum
I have multilpy war thunder activity just check
This is Enlisted forum, war thunder activity don’t count, you need be active here for a couple of day for add link and png/video
The music of gunshots and gameplay
MoH, older battlefield and older CoD soundtracks.
california dreaming can be very immersive if you are in an APC or unbuttoned in a vehicle
Back in black…ACDC. Excellent music if your one of those throw caution to the wind spray and pray guys…Like me.
Pew Pew Pew…
I’m clearly going against the grain here, but I tend to watch true crime, WWII, or currently, Hell’s Kitchen marathons when gaming. Lol!
I’m clearly going necropost just this time for share this good one