What is your opinion on flamethrower 1?

I’m curious what ppl think about it.
Personally I feel it’s a bit too weak, at least vs players (AI doesn’t shoot when on fire so you can slaughter it).
Though it’s BR3 so it makes sense I guess.

Dont think they ever where particularly great but with the flamer nerf ontop if it I never saw a reason to try them again.

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In my opinion after nerf to movement speed when firing flamethrower the “Class” it self loss it’s popularity on top of the already limited number of 2 flamethrower per squad


@Ron_McKracker has been writing for at least 20min now.
I’m kind of scared.


It’s terrible, and I can’t bring myself to use it. That being said, it is in BR III, so maybe it is all right there (I am not sure; I have not played with it). However, I will happily use the M1 flamethrower squad from the Pacific Campaign, putting in Flametrooper ll soldiers equipped with M2 flamethrowers as replacements for the Flametrooper I soldiers equipped with the M1/M1A1 Flamethrowers. After learning about this division’s history, I believe it will be the only flamethrower squad I will use.

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Not really


It’s so annoying they can still shoot you even though they are covered in flames. You even hit him directly, so shouldn’t that have killed him instantly?

If FT killed instantly, they would be simply OP. Preventing the enemy from firing also may be OP.
It’s hard to balance a CQC weapon in a predominantly CQC environment without making it OP.

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Is like this because before a single Flamethrower was able to paralyze 20, 30 enemies between players and bot by moving and jumping around while firing


Only good because of their lower BR.

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They overnerfed flamethrowers way too much and now they are really situational and only worth using at a very few objectives.

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You know how, with an actual flamethrower, you have to mash the ignitor and then press the trigger to shoot the fuel? Well, what if the devs fixed the animation to where there is a slower mash of the ignitor and then a trigger pull to give the soon-to-be flametrooper victims a chance to shoot back? Something like BFV’s flamethrower animation but slower.

They can’t do that now since you can barely move while shooting it. One big thing that I believe makes them very abusive is that flames are so large that they blind anything in front of them. There were many times when I would be out of distance from a flamethrower and they could just spray a fiery smokescreen until they were in range. The devs can fix this by making the flame act as thickened fuel, not aerosol.


Crappiest flamethrower with 18 m range: BR III
Light tank with 2 flamethrowers that can reach up to 43 m and an MG 34: BR I

The 18 m flamethrower should have it’s BR lowered, even before the running nerf it was still bad.


Yeah now that they changed the matchmaking for BR3 its a lot more viable, especially for urban maps on Stalingrad or objectives on Normandy Bunkers

It depends on how you view the role of the FT at this BR.

Given that its BR III its going to have a significant impact on an introductory period into the game, and given the lethality of the FT in the “run and gun” scenario, its somewhat “weak” effects are warranted. Its an AOE weapon that is lethal on the run vs largely BA users. Sure you can be a retard and play the muh skillz /git gud card, but fundamentally that’s infantile and does not advertise the game well with new players.

I think of the current FT I system as more of a mobile molotov in the sense that I can use it more of an area denial weapon at a time and place of my chosing, rather than a specific weapon to kill the enemy. It does that, but other than clearing a room, its also really good at blocking access to places for long enough to let you or your team generate some effect, whether its to cap, fuse or defuze a mine etc…

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Its okay. I still have some fun. Squad could do with some love though, add an extra 2 flame troopers (total 4)

Just return the range or remove the movement penalty.

I made both my Allied flamethrower units level 5 squads. There was no reason to have level 3 flamethrowers since there was a high likelihood they would be in a level 4/5 match anyway.

M1 is absolute trash… you should use M1A1, it is way better.

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Personally run a triple flamethrower lineup on my OP BR3 Soviet build. I find it the most balanced weapon squad ingame at that tier. All build similarly:

1x RNM-50 x12rds team leader
2x Flamer1/SVT38s (solid long range and solid CQB
2x PPsh41 assaulters
1x Engineer.

All with TNT for AT work

It outperforms every other squad I have ingame at this tier, including soviet paras, every tank or airplane except Halftrack APC. I concede the RNM50 prob doubles the kill power of the squad single handedly , but thats the soviet secret sauce for you.


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