Tell us about the tank you love most in the game. It can be a tank that appears in the game or that you hope will appear in the future.
I love the T34/76, I’ve loved it since I started playing Enlisted.
Sexy armour that repels German tank shells, and a powerful gun that destroys German tanks in a single hit. Everything is great. They are very beautiful tanks.
It is probably one of the best tanks of the WW2 era.
I love it so much that I have bought model kits of it today.
I intend to finish this model kit by painting it in the colours of the Gold Order “T34 STZ”.
Crusader tank! Fast, decent armor and good gun complete with stabillizer! Although I wish Darkflow would add the Crusader I version with a machine gun turret on the hull.
Yes! From my experience, I also faced decent amount of M13/40 tanks as well as small amount of PZ III. No problem in destroying them unless they successfully ambushed me. But, that’s no longer the case at the moment due to lack of playerbase in Tunisia Axis sadly.
We’ll figure it out. I’ll bring it up. There could be a lot of factors. Shrapnel, blast power, the HP of the soldiers themselves (pee-erks), which we can pop out and run swearing, etc.
In general, we reported serious problems in penetrating is 2, pz 4 f2 / g / j / h and other tanks, so keofox said that he would report errors to the developers
I saw you knock me and my fellow Soviet soldiers down with it! The power of that gun is fearsome.
I remember it very well because I didn’t have many opportunities to see payloads of weaponry on the battlefield. And the fact that I tried to put a bayonet through your exposed crew and was blown to death by a blast of artillery fire.
You were very conspicuous.