What is your favourite squad in enlisted

Some legacy mortarmen also have good looking paratroopers uniforms. I use one without mortars in and turned it into some sort of commando assault squad with fg42s :slight_smile:


I don’t have a lot of removed stuff if you don’t know what I mean
Then things like mp717r g43 Kurtz and most good event squads

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MKB 42 (W) for your Assaulter? Isn’t that one pretty much worse than the regular MKB?

yes, and no.

mkb42H fires much faster for sniper…

But it’s dispersion is ewww

Yes, it’s definitely not meta now. I equip it just to keep it from rusting in my inventory. That would be a shame for a GO weapon. I still have 3 more there that I don’t use anymore.
But back then in Moscow they really came in handy for easier grind.

And most of the time any of my snipers survive longer than the assaulter anyway.

With 4/4 vertical reductions, it’s more than okay. Sniper mkb is my favorite weapon.

Oh, I’m not talking about the recoil, just dispersion. feels it goes all over the place at long range.

at medium range however… One of the best that’s for sure.

Sorry, I’ve been totally out of touch with reality since last week.

I don’t know, I’ve never had a problem with accuracy (/dispersion). But I am using it only for longer mid range max. That’s why I prefer mkb over stg, the scope has smaller multiplier.
I definitely do not use it as sniper rifle.

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My “Painters” squad.

Very effective camo.

So effective, that they secretly drink on the job, thinking I wont notice…