What is up with the Bots?

Why, for the last 5 days, does it seem like almost all my teams are bots? How do I know I will tell yea they don’t advance they don’t try and then you get shot through walls and inclosed rooms were there are no one there. Is this game so bad they must get Bots to feel in for players?

This game is literally all about bots. If you haven’t noticed yet, your squads are made of at least 2 bots up to 8 (excluding your own soldier).

And your issue is more likely not even related to bots. But you’ve just end up to play less popular faction/BR.

It’s quite common the stacks and veterans are shifting to play certain faction/BR.

And there’s basically no real difference between AI players and casual. The only significant difference is that AI is at least building rally points. Meanwhile casuals are just completely clueless.

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Welcome to the community.

AI bots are an integral part of the game. Your squadmates are bots until you switch over to control them.

Also, bot squads will replace other players who desert or disconnect.

Finally, player count is fluid depending on your server region and time of day.

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