What is the point to have Squad?

NPC/s are stupid, they show your location… if u leave them, they folow u because u are so far away from them, like a smal kids.
After You are shooted, than like a dominos they fall one by one of them…
I forgot the name of chinese game, but squad forces have formations and they are ok there…
here they are nothing more than hey/kill me/i am here!!

Maybe try to command them in the fight? i have 0 problem with them, they can clear and capture a point if you command them, they can cover you to flank your enemy, you can send them close to a point, while you rush there and if you die Surprise!, you have another guy to clear the point… and so on… be creative dude.

It was awesome to see my gunner having 12 kills, while i got 4 before dying, so yeah they are brain dead, but if you command them, they can be dangerous. So… don’t let those poor bastards alone, be their brain.

I think it might just be a gunner thing, I left 3 ai gunners alone with MG34’s whilst I built a rally point and they racked up about 12 kills between them before a 500lb took out my entire squad … and the freshly built rally point.

Are we play same game?
Where u can see how many kills made your troops, one by one?
what buttons u use to command th
They are not able to stay at one point that i command them! running like a flies…to death

I have few problems with the AI.

Generally ask them to stay somewhere near the point, in a building close by, I rush in, kill who i can, die, swap soldier, repeat until point is cleared.

Sure you can keep the point from one of me. What are you gonna do when there’s six of me coming at you with more information every time.

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6 of u 6 off other guy, but when one u find rest of the opponent squad u kill them like they are stupid zombies… enemy, enemy…
When they shoot u, u press Z… but…transfer yourself from one to another wunded squad member and finaly no squad

If you look above the map where the squad icons are there should be a crosshair and a number next to it. The number shows the number of kills made by that unit either via the ai or under your control.

Squads > Lone Shitters

That’s what gives this game a proper Edge of Tomorrow athmosphere. :slight_smile: Awesome.

The squad members can be aggravating you could play on Lone Fighters mode instead of Squads Mode modes

But as you say one should be able to enjoy Squads mode. The tutorial gives you enough information to basically get you killed and that is it. With any endeavor its best at some point to click on the CONTROLS section and check out all the commands you can do. This enables you to do many things use the bazooka properly etc. AND control your squad.

You can press x quick twice to make them stay put but as you say if you get to far from them they run after you - you can also mess with the formation they use. What is tedious but can be of benefit is to send them in front of you aim at a control area or a wall etc. and double click x twice they will move out in front of you this can draw fire from unseen enemies then you snipe them with your sniper rifle you can send them into a cap zone to cap it but all this takes a lot of micro managing. You can have them stay on one side of a wall you jump over it move a little bit forward and ambush enemy if ya get taken out hit Y key quick or they will start running around.