What is the point of respawn in same place?

and die, die, die

no choice where I respawan - if anything drives me away from this game it is THIS

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Care to elaborate?

Unless we’re talking about vehicles, there are always (or almost?) at least 2 different default spawn points to choose between, plus any rally point or troops carrier placed by your team.

Well… I die… respawn in my squad in the SAME place - i die again, and again, and again because it’s the same place - it’s NO FUN to keep respawning and dying immediately - not even a second to move - surely this is not a great idea? I dont know any other game you respawn with the dude waiting for you - its frustrating as Hell!

Fixed spawn points will always be abused. The answer lies in true freedom: click on a spot in your grey-zone and spawn there. No more fixed spawn points = no more spawn camping.


Ooh, now I get it.

You’re talking about when you get chain-killed because someone wipes your entire squad out.

Well, although admittedly that sucks, I don’t think there’s much to be done about that. When a squad wipe occurs, it’s a dice roll whether the soldier you’ll switch to is the next one to be targeted, or you’ll have an instant to react instead.

Remember that it’s the same for other players too, when you wipe out their squads.


Are you massacred at a fixed spawn point or at a constructed spawn point?

All maps should have their default respawn points wide apart from each other across the map for flanking. Recent maps like Rzhev and Ardennes have improved on this aspect. Something that can’t be said from all the maps, specially the ones from early campaigns. Some of them need a rework.

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yup I guess that’s about it :slight_smile:

Constructed by someone I guess - but I don’t get the point of reincarnation 6 times and instant deaths - there is no choice of where I respawn and it’s not pretty - just gives the opposing guy 6 kills for no effort. But Im old school, i guess, and a lot older than you sharper guys.

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It can be really annoying, especially when your AI just sits there and lets it happen. I think making the AI more reactive would go a long way towards this. I mean at least have them return suppressing fire in the direction of the enemy.

But the main thing that annoys me when using bolt action squads is when you swap to a new man, you auto cycle the rifle meaning you cant shoot for a second and in that second often get ganked for it.

But as someone else said, You do it to other players as well, its not imbalanced if everyone does it, its just that you win some, you lose some.

But yeah AI upgrades are 100% needed I think, path finding and returning fire need to be done. That or at least more squad orders, like I can tell my squad to stick close to me so form us into more of a tactical blob, that or spread out. Let me tell them to assume defensive positions, so they run to windows and corners of walls. A supressing or covering fire order would be very nice too, just allow the AI to actually do something at range. Maybe if you have a MG in the squad, allow a base of fire order, ie tell the machine gun to setup and cover your advance.


My best recommendation when you get caught in those situations is to:

swap 2-3 soldiers deep into your line up. Those first 2-3 are as good as dead anyway so use them as a shield.

Also, wide soldier formation might help reduce that since people have to swap target locations a little more, giving you time to react.

Additionally selecting a few soldiers individually and having them stay back can be a good way to split how your soldiers run forward, and if done right that rear line can sometimes get kills and cover you esp if they are machine gunners.

Just my tidbits that hopefully can help

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What about a 5 second delay when respawned? or simply respawning in another place

yeah I dont think it was greatly phrased here I had to work my head around it too, hes not actually talking about respawning, hes talking about when you swap into someone else in your squad when you die, and because they form conga lines sometimes, you can often just spawn into the next man to just die instantly and it chains like that.

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You are right - apologies for my lazy explanation. I meant when I take over a bot and am killed in microseconds. Surely a small delay to allow me to get out of the way might be a good idea? or reappear a few meters away?

another good method is to bind the switch button somewhere close so when you die quickly click the button, for myself it is the mouse button 4, when I die I switch to another soldier ultra fast, doesn’t need to wait for the select window to pop up