We have this bright green amoeba camo and helmet for the Soviets in the Battle of Berlin. But as you can clearly see in this picture only the helmet and trousers are present in this campaign.
The original set was given to the event PPK-42 squad during the Operation Battle Summer event.

Even the event Soviet paratroopers got a proper version of this uniform.
But the infantry ‘suffers’ and I am forced to look like a ‘clown’.
Given this scenario I would like to request the community managers, helpers
@Euthymia07 to pass on this information to the devs:
- ‘Always’ give us complete set of uniforms or else we are just wasting our customization tickets.
- If you want to lock these uniforms to premium/event squads then don’t add them in-game.
You also have a precedent with the Italian San Marco squad so I have no clue why this isn’t the case for the Soviets.

(P.S. Please fix this uniform ASAP.)
it was supposed to be available.
and has been forwarded already:
long story short, each piece you see, or rather camouflage, the whole set was supposed to be available for players.
they started doing it, but it became a nightmare because they have to apply each camo for ALL squads presets. therefore, you have to tweak 120+ squads four times over ( three in the soviet )
so they just… sort of gave up. and left it for later.
so, someone tasked me ( can’t dislose who sorry ) to cover all those items and in which squads it’s missing. ( that is, that can be bough for some squads, but not available in others. again, can be bought. otherwise the list would have been much, much longer )
i am aware premium squads are missing from that list, but i have been told to leave them out outside APCs.
of which will be forwarded and the people working on clothing will keep track and procedurally work on it.
which was mentioned vaguely in the Q&A.
EDIT. the reason why italians got the full blue camouflage, it’s because there are literally only 6 italian squads in the whole game. easier to do.
Thanks. Such a shame. It would be a treat to have this complete set in-game. But here we are. Spotted this in the Russian section of the forum. Let’s see if there is a change.
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what he meant, is actual camouflage pieces.
which means, it’s not guaranteed will come with all type of pouches for all type of weapons.
let’s be clear here.
but… i guess better than nothing.
I would also like to see the tan amoeba helmet to complete that set too, how hard can it be to just chage the colors??
The leaf and palm pattern camos would also be nice to see as regular customization one day too, but that seems to be a long ways away since even completing a couple of sets of existing camos is too hard for them.
And germany needs other full sets of camos for tech tree squads excluding the disgusting pea dot.
unfortunately it’s not available.
there are no ameba cover beside the two green versions.
hell, we don’t even have sh40 helmets with straps down:
which it literally takes 2 clicks.
copy the winter version, and apply the summer textures to it.
well, we have 4/5 type of pea dots.
and only one ( upcoming ) gerat splinter tunic.
i guess the smock is also considered, but they are only available with g43 pouches.
additionally, many more can be done ( check out the threat of my 50+ cosmetics. a bit outdated since now i have more than 120 but whatever )
What can I say. They even accidentally deleted the ‘planetree’ camo from the game. It was present in the Invasion of Normandy. Me and @ErikaKalkbrenner raised this issue multiple times. We even had a conversation with a dev. But it has remained acknowledged on the CBR site.
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Erika can you show me an image of this upcoming splinter camo?
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