Just finished a game, a loss which had there been some competent people playing should have been an easy win. That aside, I see at the games end a dude deserted after 60 kills and was best rifleman? We were kicking ass till the fifth objective, but then people forgot how to take a control point, so we stalled out. I don’t know, I was getting 6 to 8 kills a pass with my bomber. I got shot down and immediately got into the control point, TWICE with little effort, but NEVER did anyone come to help. I’m 60, irritable and legally blind in one eye and if I can consistently get into a control point, why can’t others? Anyway, I was curious as to why anyone would stick around and bail after they had 60 kills as if there is some hidden logic I am missing.
just like any other desertion, most likely selfish reasons.
( beside having to desert for emergencies or power/internet cuts )
well they are people who once have faith but got tired since their team just not fun enough to tolerate (i know how it feel tbh)
but sometime you just gotta stick out like this match of mine
US have like 300+ ticket left but man at least i got a lot of RP
I can’t say whether he deserted intentionally. Lord knows living in the Philippines I lose power and internet enough myself, so, maybe this happened to him, IDK.
nah sometime it intentional i saw an enemy top player leave before a match end idk why tbh since that just mean he get way less rp than losing (maybe he love his k/d ratio or something idk)
If I am going to desert intentionally, I would do it early. If I hang around and take the punishment for several control points, I don’t desert. Really, the ONLY thing that keeps me from deserting most of the time is the individual objectives DF gives you daily, and I usually have nine I think. I played a match last night and it was so bad that I had jumped in my plane, and just before the final seconds ticked off they enemy still had 958 left on their reinforcements.
Important phone call coming in.
Somebody at the door.
Cat steals steak from kitchen.
His wife calls him to the bedroom.
It happens.
Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern.
always remember this
The only reason I see is if the team is about to lose, the player desert to preserve it’s statistical win ratio.
Now, I’m pro desertion when teams are clearly unbalanced near the start of a match, but even I find those giving a lot of importance to stats rather bizzare… it’s a mathematical loss of invested time to desert near the very end of a match.
But. Whatever rocks their boat, I’m all for freedom in a f2p game.
I desert when I could help other German player win - only if my team is worthless enough that my presence cant change the outcome of the match.
Also I desert ALWAYS when Manor Assault pops up.
When i see that my team doesn’t cooperate and try to win i will leave even after getting that many kills. It’s a waste of time to stay there for next 10mins.
outside of RL reasons, i would only desert mid match cause:
- roflstomps that make game pointless
- my team is totally worthless(no rally points besides mine, people not defending cap point etc.)
it would not be the first time i rage quit cause i am only player that builds rally points and defends cap. lots of times i have 2-3 times kills at cap from next best player, not to mention rest of the team.
I’m pretty toxic to be honest, so if the game is lost because my team can’t tell lips their from their ass, I’d rather leave than insult them.
At this point i even desert matches once i hit 20k score required for event.
I don’t need silver or xp anymore, i already grinded 1-2h every two days just to get something new because devs realized everyone was just farming tech tree in few days and didn’t play till next update adde something, so easy FOMO solution to keep numbers up.
You can blame the devs for not adding map veto yet, for having constant FOMO events, all the other reasons. You can even blame me for not carrying your match while you sit in a tank/plane all game farming easy score.
Devs don’t care. I don’t care.
Players will keep deserting. Gotta learn to live with it. Just a game, don’t lose sleep over it
The funniest thing about what you say is that the devs instead of fixing their game add more punishments for deserting hahaha
The only reason I desert a match is when I get to fight a stupid ass clan for the third time in row. Im too tired to deal with sweaty idiots by that point.
I honestly don’t understand why he deserted that. The only reason I could see is that he is maximising his time efficency and he is trying to get as many victories as possible for one reason or another.
That’s not min maxing his time efficiency, it’s the opposite: he wasted it. Because he reportedly deserted at the very end.
The only reason for this, other than real life stuff, is he cares about victory % statistics…
To mathematically maximize your efficiency, or simply not waste your time when you don’t have a lot, you desert near THE BEGINNING of the match, when you know it won’t go anywhere, and quickly find a more balanced one.
People who care about win rates (cringe)
They guy who “deserted” in that picture, with 60 kills, is showing in blue - doesn’t that mean he was still in the game when the respawn count got to zero - so he couldn’t respawn any more, and not actually a deserter at all?