What is the different between run speed and sprint speed?

Legit i actually never even question what it is but today’s the day so what the different and how does it activate?

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Run speed is your “normal” movement (press W) and sprint is with shift.
It’s called run because soldier actually runs/jogs. I believe CapsLock switches between running and walking (that is painfully slow).

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run = walk

sprint = sprint

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ah ok that does make sense which mean i have been choosing the wrong one all this time :moyai:

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Found this in enlisted resource so at least it does something besides walk speed. But increasing hipfire dispersion = :skull:

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It debuffs hipfire? Veeeeery interesting.

  1. Shame it’s not specified by how much.
  2. Shame it’s not written in game (though I guess it’s a side effect of running faster and dispersion calculation rather than the perk itself)
  3. Shame all perks don’t have some kind of a downside. Choosing them would be much more interesting imo.

I don’t know mate. I feel like with the addition of the flask, axe and bayonets on a vast majority of weapons the sprint speed is a bit useless. I always run the medpack use speed with run speed combo. I can’t remember how many times I have survived because of quick revive.