What is the best German full auto sniper?

There’s currently 3 BR V German snipers in tech tree: Sniper FG 42 II, Sniper MKb 42(H) and Sniper StG 44.
Which one is the best in your opinion and why? And what are the downsides of each one?

sniper stg 44.

because you have way more ammo, and it’s fairly accurate if used in single fire.

the fg 42 is less accurate and have less ammo.
even though it 2/1 shot people in the medium distance.

and, well, unlike the stg, the fg to be used in full auto through the scope can be quite the challenge.

the mk42 has way less rof and damage.


Actually, in game, the sniper Mkb (unlike the standard Mkb with a rof of 500 rpm) has the same fire rate as the Stg. Its more of a sidegrade than a straight downgrade.

However Mkb has a x3 scope while both stg ang FG have x4 scopes. The sniper MkB is thus more adapted to closer ranges compared to the other two.

So it depends of what you want as a full auto sniper.


If you want to legitimately play as a sniper, you should use G43 or FG42 in single shot mode, both STG and MKB are pretty much just assault rifles with a scope.

I bring G43 into BR5 matches just fine, it has a longer “one hit down/kill range” than FG42, however if you get into the prone position you get a nice recoil reduction for the FG, which makes it at semi auto very very good at squad wiping even at long ranges.

That being said, I still usually end up using STG44 the most, because I put them on the single sniper of my Assaulter squads and even remove the scope to basically get a free “pseudo” assaulter.


I have also noticed the Sniper STG to be accurate enough to even counter sniper when used in semi auto, I still end up using it in full auto most of the time, because the shots to kill are too low at longer ranges.

What does work surprisingly well however is going for headshots - if you have the patience and skill to make this work of course.

Outdated information
It now got same accuracy as sniper M1, SVT38/40

This is never been true, since it release in moscow, it got STG44’s rof which makes it even better than the assaulter’s mkb in old campaign.
And the damage also is the same.

MKB42 is inferior to STG44 in most stats, but due to its fast reload speed, its actual DPM is higher than STG 44.

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Sniper MKB always had a artificially high rate of fire - because its a remnant of the old Moscow campaign where it had to compete with PPSH41 drum mag.

If I remember correctly, it was added before Kiraly and regular MKB and used to be the only viable meta gun back in the days - which was a very weird time, because that meant that there were more Sniper squads being used on the German side than ever in the history of the game.

sniper mkb. the close zoom is perfect for the medium damage it has.


Fg42II sniper is a headshot machine. Kills fast, very accurate since the buff. Powerful, even if it’s rounds don’t do as much damage as other factions sf rifles equivalents (it’s so accurate it doesn’t need to.)

Stg44 is not as accurate or powerful, but can sustain fire longer and has a larger ammo pool. You can suppress advances comfortably from afar with it, even if it doesn’t always kill.

Sniper mkb, as another said, is just the Stg44, with a lower magnifying scope. Perhaps less accurate too… but since the scope doesn’t magnify as far, it’s better for medium close range.

All in all. Sidegrades. They’re all pretty great and are all best in a certain situation. I like bringing a mix.

You remember well :smile:

In Moscow, devs expected axis to compete vs the ppsh41 with a beretta38 that only had a 20 rounds magazine. Russians Soviets mains kept saying it was fair, because the beretta was accurate and I quote “ppsh41 fires so fast it wastes ammo”
Nowadays we see the difference with the former being br1, and the latter, br5.

There wasn’t much axis had with Moscow equipment to compete (remember! Pre merge = no late war axis equipment, no panzerfausts, no g43, no fg42 while soviets HAD THE AVS, just a simple mg34.)

So when devs saw how empty Moscow turned out due to their favoritism, they added the powerful sniper mkb.

Since it was the only very good axis weapon in Moscow… every veterans ran a 2 or 3 sniper squads lineup armed with just those, and pushed back.

It was a silly time.


I use the FG42 II because I like the scope the best of the three.

Honestly, I only use sniper StG44.

The best is StG + Pre-war Kar bolt action dual wield.

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i like mkb and the way it works while scoped. for me its my favorite

then stg.

i pass on fg scoped.

stg 44 because you can easily do assaulter role and larp as elite volksgrenadier

Sniper G43 can cut down squad of Russians in Berlin tight hallways if you’re good enough. That thing slaps and I’d take them any day over sniper FG 42 because they have better scopes as well.


lol no, it got same rof and same dmg. STG have slower reload, but tiny bit less recoil (by 1 point) and dispersion (by 0,1).

Did you even tested it? xD