What is the benefit of having 2 weapons upprade?

Heard that dual weapons are good

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I personally dont think so, 2 weapon can be effective whit blitzkrieg assault style

I prefeer always the big bagpack, ammo or grenade pouch for personal view (i always carry 2 medkits and 2 tools in almost soldiers, for mg and assaulters i get ammo pouch or 4 medkits)


I never choose two weapons myself. I prefer deep ammo pockets

But i have seen people take 2 machineguns for example, to avoid reloading (or fire twice as long, just swap and keep firing)


It’s good only for low BR assaulters and such, it’s cool to have mp40 and Kar, or Beretta and Carcano.

Because there’s some kind of variability. Sadly all classes can use only starter rifles and then weapons based on class itself.

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sad, sounds like a feature that is worth it but its not

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Its good for low BR premium assault squads that you want to play at BR 5, give them assault rifles as the secondary and you are set.

Second weapon upgrade is cost efficient way of reducing reload time. You can get a full magazine by just switching to a different weapon.

You can get up to +12% reload speed that cost 8 yellow perk points, but +50% weapon change speed only cost 1 yellow perk point leaving many leftover points to put into other weapon handling perks.

In most cases ammo packs are more useful than dual weapons
But if you are responsible for both support and attack, dual weapons can meet different needs.
I really like the M2 paired with the Garand launcher or the T20
This helps me fight different enemies effectively

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if, then i use it only with my MGs
because changing Gun is faster then Reload…

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For low BR snipers you can take a basic rifle with a bayonet and a sniper rifle
For high BR snipers you can take an inaccurate semiauto with a bolt action
I don’t think ive ever used it anywhere else (i guess radiomans force you to take it)

I use it for my normal infantry. Rifle with grenade launcher + semi or full auto rifle.
3+1 grenades in the windows and then clearing the rest with Fg42 or m2

The playerbase more or less unanimously agrees that backpacks are the meta no matter what

Unfortunately for the playerbase, I like having SMG’s and shotguns at the same time. Lol

Nah dude gotta pick up that Drilling and wreck some nerds with one of the most underpowered gun types in the game. Lol. Maximum fun

Drilling is OP though because people one shot me from medium range ;-;

i take 2 rifle with grenade launcher with my rifleman squad , u get 2 extra grenades… i recommend dual rifle with grenade launcher to those who really loves spamming genades

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This is why I dont sell my squads. I like to have different setups for different squads. I usually do double weapons for assaulters but sometimes i like to do it for rifleman too

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Lucky headshot with a single pellet most likely. Lol

if you want peak power, dual wielding gives you peak power. heres the detailed explanation:

nice thanks

Dual wielding , for me, is only effective for very spesific class: radio operators in tier 3 and higher.
I give them a bolt low dispersion (type 99 late, p14 einfield etc…) and a demi auto for cqc

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