What is forum impression on current "join any team" buff?

Overall after around 8 match I would say it quite decent gave me around average of 12k xp per match (without boost) which is more than I used to get.

I’ll give it a 7.7 out of 10 pretty good

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Not bad when i can play maps i like but being sent to Pacific or Stalingrad most of the time is pain in the ass.

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Why not 8.8 though?


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Eh I feel like 8.8 a bit high but I might change it later tho for now it 7.7

Oh I see

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Good but we need the possibility of unlist faction to a minimum of 2 listed faction, useless if you need grind just two faction, maybe even underpopulated but you are keep sended in The other two

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I like it, the default +50% exp bonus for joining any team reward you for your personal effort. Whenever I get exp boosters I always join any team and still get loads of silver despite losing.


+50% exp for a victory playing the popular faction
+80% exp for a victory playing the underdog faction

The extra +30% exp bonus for an underdog victory make choosing to join any team more attractive, I don’t mind the trade off of letting the game decide what team I play.


I love it. I’ve got my Soviets and US at BR3, Germans and Japanese at BR2. Nearly every match is fun now.

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I like it. I play mainly BR2 with all factions on European servers and have the impression that gameplay has improved since. It would be cool tough if one faction can be excluded (e.g., because all soldiers are levelled up).

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I had to get my Germans and Japanese to be at least semi-competitive, so, I ended up spending most of the 250k silver I got from selling off troops in that 18 hour-ish window before the economy changed.

But, having done so, it’s pretty fun! Even when losing, still get some pretty decent XP and silver and when winning - woo! It’s sweet b/c it’s random and feels a little more “earned” so to speak? I dunno, maybe that’s me and I’m playing two factions that I am wildly unfamiliar with. (Particularly with the Japanese, who I am still under 10 games played, total.)

I like how you can set your teams up at different BR levels. (I haven’t, but I may going forward) so even though random, you could have two in BR2 and 2 in BR5.

I honestly don’t see a downside to this change (specifically, giving bonus rewards to people who join randoms), so would give it a 5/5.


The idea is good. But…

You have to count on luck. But a lot of luck.

If you play an even game, it’s great. It’s fantastic.

But if you get into an unbalanced game, there’s a problem.

If you desert in an unbalanced game, you lose the bonus and also have a penalty for the next game.

More risk, more reward.

That’s a feature, not a bug.


Risk? Dont be a fan boy.

After 4 minutes, I deserted. Nobody was even trying to get in the cap.

In another discord channel, other players said they had experienced the same problem.

Fan boy? Has nothing to do with being a fan boy. “More risk, more reward” isn’t even up for debate. It just IS.

More risk, more reward is how life works.

Never heard the phrase, " audentes Fortuna iuvat"? Fortune favors the bold. The concept predates Imperial Rome.

If you take the RISK of being in a crappy match, you still get rewarded IF YOU STAY of a higher reward whether you win or lose -than if you hadn’t gambled.

I’m not surprised that people who like to desert matches will find this path of greater gold and silver to be objectionable. I mean, they are already in the habit of hedging their bets and only staying in matches where they have a greater odds chance of winning anyway.

Not surprised. Again, there is no guarantee of winning the random matches. No one said there was. Why would it be a big shock to find other people having lost a random match?

I’ve found when I lose a random match, it’s still not that big of a deal. I don’t like losing, but I had a losing match -last one of the night last night, actually, where I still did quite well, both thanks to the 50% bonus I still had, and from helping my team, but the bonus from it being a random.

Note, I can count on two hands out of the 600+ matches I’ve played that I got in landed #1 on my team, so I’m not all that great of a player. But getting over 40k in a losing match with a 50% bonus was most definitely a first for me. And I 've played less than 10 games for the Japanese.

It also should be lost on no-one that, had that other “marshal” actually stayed in the match - we might have won.


Then you really don’t have an argument to make, eh?

I think it slightly pushed back on the dogpiling meta

I really like it.

Since I completet every techtree I have it on constantly, storing Points for every faction in an somewhat equal amount plus bonus points is great.

Additionaly it feels like geeting more equal matches this way I think I joined only 2 unfair matches out of the 10 to 15 I played. (In BR II)

Overall it is a positive change.

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Agreed. The more I do it, the more I like it, even if I have bonus 50% reward. Just adds even more to where ever I land.

Also makes for better all around players, I think. Since you start learning the maps from both sides, it’s easier to do things like predict where a tank may be coming through (anti-tank mines or AT cannon), where rally points are dropped, etc.

It’s also amazing to see the research go up so fast.

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I just wish I wasn’t on the losing team so much. I haven’t won a match in 2 days now… :frowning:

Still a good improvement to the overall game though.

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suggest to try all Br3.

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