What happened to Tunisia Balance?

What are you talking about…

The allied “veterans” you speak of, are merely axis “veterans” at the moment.

The same, not very skilled or impressive players, that merely switched sides to keep farming their rank without struggling or any challenges.

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It took a long time for the prediction but alas I was right. /s



Sure does seem like it

Idiots don’t know how to fight against actual players. Only how to mow down wave after wave of AI. Throw in a couple of people from other campaigns into Tunisia and you just have a constant slaughter of Allies

I actually like to play for the “Underdog” campaigns here.

I like to have that challenge and everything being “On the edge” constantly, also victory in campaigns like that actually feels much much much more impressive and better all around. Also, once you reach the top levels/ max out everything campaign itself really becomes nothing but a bronze/ silver farm for other campaigns.

That is also why I would not mind playing with countries like Poland or France in the future if they will ever become available in the distant future with a lot smaller tech tree (After merge)

I noticed that the Normandy allies seems to be pretty packed? I am still missing one more rifle from the Japanese and that one tank and sub machine gun so next I think I will try to max out the Japanese completely because I did the Allies on Pacific already and then I will go to Normandy with all much lower level allied weaponry, however maxed out on the beginning.

Its amazing how far M1 Garand maxed out can carry your game?

The fact that Tunisia Allies max level disappeared in two days after the recent para event shows how deliberately ppl select EZ campaigns.
Ppl in general want unfair (and relaxing) battles.

The idea of mains moving from campaign to campaign is a myth created by some individuals that actually maining factions. Usually here we’re talking about veterans, who play pretty much everything.

Ppl sadly know to much what they’re doing.

I wonder how they will survive the new matchmaking system.

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to many auto weapons against and shot behind a wall wtf thats bad coding