What happened to the MP-41(r)

During the first week of Stalingrad it was quite common to see but there were no ways to unlock it and it hasn’t been seen since, What happened to it?

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Strange, I’ve never seen it.

Probably will be new premium squad or something at this point, as it is worse than ppsh.

in stalingrad custom mode maybe you can see it on ai teams

I saw all stalingrad weapons being used by stalingrad bots. Still never saw this one.

Oh, weird

And better never seen it again is a shit

the MP41(R)

was given to bots.
although, wasn’t very good because bots has non upgraded weapons and not very suited for players.
hence, through bots, that’s how most people got it.

certainly is interesting, and i hope to see it again ( as non prem if possible … )

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Would be weird though.
Like why stick mag after drum mag?

cuz theorically, mag version should be easier to control, and faster to reload.

now… that’s… quite not the case with enlisted, but still.

matter of personal preferences.

i’m not a huge fan of drum mags.

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Same me, but dev keep giving us drum gun, we have to use what we have

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It was supposed to be in Axis Stalingrad instead of Danuvia M39 I suppose.

It even had it’s own Logistics image as well as the one for the Tech tree, but it was canceled for some reason though.


This should be been in Stalingrad for the axis from the beginning instead of the ppsh-41 drum magazine.

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Drum mags were put put out if order and replaced by stick mags irl, because of being unreliable, expensive and take an huge amount of time to reload. In game, you don’t have rl problems, so it makes no sense there to switch to sticks.


Yeah sadly otherwise drums wouldnt be so amazing here.

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Because the Germans converted it to use MP-40 type magazines in 9x19mm
If you remove the MP-40 magwell modification you can use Suomi Drums

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Except the Suomi is already premium iirc.

I was talking about the real life version

Cancelled? So we’ll never see it again?

Don’t know, Maybe one day it might return as a Premium or something.

Id definitely buy it