I see the Ju 188, the updated version, but no Ju 88. What’s up with that, you think?
I dont think there was a JU 88 in the game ? Just the 188 afik?
ju 88 actually its just arty plane bomber
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I would love some of the ju88 variants to fly though.
Especially the ones with anti tank cannons
There is an usable ju 88 in the editor
niiiiiice. exactly what I wanted to hear
There are 2 ju 88s.
The ju 88a1 and ju 88a4
The ju 88a1 has only 4 50kgs. It is the same plane that the AI uses
The a4 variant has much bigger payload. Luckily it isnt in the tech tree
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ju88C version could be an interesting add. it’s the same role as the pe-3.
it would be bad though because the wt version of the plane is simply horrible. horrible cockpit and model, gunners are wrong.
Hmmm. Was hopping for night fighter variants or AT guns.
But still its a nice plane. Thanks