What does the "metranome" symbol mean?

I’ve noticed that whenever I first spawn in a tank, that various symbols pop up in the top right hand corner of my screen. Does this have to do with connection speed, or something else?

Are u reffering to this ?

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Yes, the bottom symbol looks a little different on my platform though I guess.

I have a wired connection, but I guess it’s just part of every online game, I just wanted to confirm that’s what it was.

“latency variation” is the one I see most often though I guess.

It shows up right at the end of matches alot too I’ve noticed.

I need to pick up a more “high speed” ethernet cable, probably.

I get this symbol every battle…dont know why, game seems to run fine



too often, it happens when you have fps drops I think (this directx11 game is full of them) especially in the Berlin maps full of fps drops and texture streaming problems never fixed unfortunately

It means low server tick rate.