What do you think the next april fools will be?

A map that can utilize all the apc’s they flung at us.

And we already basically have all the Mosins, Gewehr 98s, Chauchats, Madsens and MP-18.

Just give me “Tannenberg” map and let me chaaaarge.

(Maybe even gaijin would finally have to make some WW1 tank models and then add them to WT instead of another T-90/Abrams now with a red dot on top!!1!)

PS I’m working on BF1 voiceover mod so it would fit perfectly

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We still could get some new guns like mg 08, scoped lebel, and normal g98 and t gewehr. Flare gun would also be cool to see if they added night maps. I would also like to see gas artillery and gas masks


I have already played the future and the present day, so I expect the Napoleonic Wars, the Civil War, and the Franco-Prussian War.

For Napoleon is the KI to dumb.
They can nothing except to run in death so they have to build a formation and shoot? Never

A working battle matching system and maps that can fit the oodles of APC’s.

Ramree Island Crocodile squad when?

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