What do you nickname weapons?

I call it the Ket or Kez lmg lol

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Dp-27: The Dinner Plate

M1-carbine: Wet noodle

Mannlicher: no nickname required

Panzerfaust: The Fist



I don’t nickname game weapons, but I have almost always nicknamed my cars, and being 60 have owned a LOT of cars. :yum: I even named all my Go Karts I raced over the years with my oldest Kart named “Ol Bessie” and my last Kart I named “Ladybird” from King of the Hill. The only gun I have even named was my M1 Thompson, which, is just named Tommy :blush:, no other name was needed, but the gun case says “The Chicago Typewriter”.

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In Heroes and Generals, you could name your guns and you could even see the name of the gun you were killed with.
There were many funny names.
I named my guns after girls.

However since there is no such feature in this game, I dont really nickname guns and refer to them professionally.

My nickname for the FNAB is : The pea shooter

I would name my luftfaust the RNG launcher

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I call them “guns”

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Sturmpistole: Babyfaust
T20: goofy garand
any granade launcher: potato launcher
Calliope: Gaylliope


Personally, I usually have a ‘phonetic’ name (i.e. MP is ‘eMPeka’, MG is ‘eMGieta’), the number or the actual name, but I do call ZH-29 ‘Pepik’ and ZB-26 ‘Zbigniew’.

Other than that, I have names for vehicles. All Ju 87 series are called Junk-ers (because they fly like trash), KV-2 is ‘fridge’ and IS series is ‘Stalin’.

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i call fnab “ppapapapapapapaaapa”

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