What Breaking Dead tells us about the player base



Looks like me…


Ahah, noob! I played 3 full match! Then stopped playing due to schedule… had to play today just to post this snark comment here :smile:

Edit: I didn’t bother unlocking the event portraits and stuff… too busy… I’ll keep switching between SAS Jesus and Bob the builder new portrait.



…No time for that, when Im;


Ahah, thou art a noble purveyor of righteous democracy I see!

I do the same, but on lowly peasants!!!



Peasantry!!! love bannerloard…500 plus hours on Playing Macedon in Ancient mod.

between Helldivers and slaving for my AI Juliet in Infinity siege…no time for zombies



Yeah I feel the reaction part, and I m still mid 30s.

I did rank 4% at 4000 ish place last time I checked on wave 25 or 26

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It’s real. I’m comfortable with it. I was much better at gaming in my 20’s and 30’s. I’m still effective but in raw competition, reaction time is one disadvantage. I’m sure that with 3 good partners I could still get a high round zombie score, but don’t much care. I’m not as good a player as the legit leaders (or the legit top 5 - 10%).

It’s like cycling. I can’t do that at the same level as I could in my 20’s, 30’s or even 40’s. That’s life. Expectations adjusted.

Slower reaction time but more mature (sometimes) and more wise. Or that’s what I tell myself.

On the flip side, I’m a better leader of people at work than I used to be. I’m a better father every day. So… you take what you can and enjoy the ride. I enjoyed Breaking Dead!


“YOUR” Juliette?!?

I thought she was mine???

(Gasp) how could she!


But yes, don’t worry about age.

Our reflexes lower a bit… But we learn to make do other ways: with smarts. Ruse. Battlefield awareness.

Those qualities are often very lacking on most, and being at the right place at the right time often beats being a crack shot.


Communist Party: It is (ours)

I don’t hate this activity
but he is boring
I hope I don’t have to waste more time in the next few days trying to maintain my ranking.

It was originally expected that the game’s player base would not exceed 20,000
It seems I still underestimated

But does this game really have that many players?
I often feel like I always meet the same people
There may be 2 or 3 games where we won’t meet each other
But we still often encounter

Proact can trump react quite well :slight_smile:

I alway enjoyed the storys of how Alexanders best warriors, the silver shields were often 60 years of age and over.


It’s been a while since I’ve seen you on the forum.
How is Ruby doing? :smiley_cat:

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Yes, these guys then, after Alexander’s death, also went to war against each other when they were 80 years old. And they say that at that time people died early…

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Ruby it’s still the best tank commander


Commander cats!

Come here for the hug


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the only good thing about this event was the AI and now mod makers can actually make some interesting mods with it instead of playing that stupid map.


[Map] Nuketown Zombies

And I guess War Thunder got this as well


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Yea, I be getting like 4x kills the 2nd fragger every single game and only getting to round 15.